Edition #6 What it is

Oh boy, I've been a Hayes Carll fan since I stumbled across this video in my favorite YouTube Channel.  We did see him when he visited LaCrosse at the Cavalier Theater; so I recently his most recent CDs, "What it is"

It is full of his wonderful satirical look at the world wagging his pointy finger, trying to figure out where men fit in, and just great stories.  I'll share four of them and add some Texas flair from Austin and a likely a few of Hayes's friends.  The show starts off with a woman I have followed since my time in MySpace, Hope Waits.  She covered Dylan's Ring them Bells way before Sarah Jarosz, but she isn't touring lately.  What a set of pipes she has.

Here's the playlist:

Here's a great video from Hope Waits:

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