Stats - Top Posts

February 2025 Update

Shit we should celebrating 100,000 views during March... all I can say is thank you because along the way you listened to some great music.

I'm not sure I have big plans to celebrate 100K views.... YET

January 2025 Update

Our 50th Anniversary to 1975 has gotten a lot of views as we close the month with one more volume to come.  Volume One will have links to all four volumes and 100 songs from around 70 unique albums from the library.  Yes we had a great month of over 4k views, I guess it's rewards for finally posting regularly.

December 2024 Update

Almost hit 90k views during 2024 but we did have 45,929 views in 2024 so greater than the year before.  I do have to say I love my time spent in Reddit, and I'm getting good traffic from there.  I find no one click on links in Instagram.

While I didn't take the time to put in all the page links, here's the index for all the pages, and in the 2024 year in review I picked Five Favorite posts.

November 2024 Update

Carsie's Economic post continues to be the most popular, I hope it's educating people of the tough road independent musicians take to your local favorite place to listen to music.  Do them a favor and tip them big and maybe join their Patreon page.  I've not been doing as many review posts, but I do love my playlists even if they don't get as many views.  I do this for myself first and thanks for coming along on the ride.

October 2024 Update

I do believe I will start posting more, but I love to see the interests in all the posts.  Remember that Good Music has NO Expiration Date.

July 2024 Update

Hey sorry I missed June's numbers but I did take time to post links to the top posts in the site at Edition No. 300  July we can celebrate having 75,000 views of the page; nice thank you all and whatever Google browser bot that might be out there.

May 2024 update

This is captured on June 4th, but yes we have crested 70k in views.

I really only posted twice this month, and the in progress SERFA post is already getting traction though it's not been finalized and announced.

Our last 12 months looks like this as posts roll out of the time period.

April 2024 Update

During the month of April we broke the 60K views and here were the top view posts during the month:

Yes Beer and Pot were the in the top three, but April did have National Beer Day and 4/20.  I'm torn if I want to do a 2nd edition of Around Town because as luck would have it, the first video I included in that post is now going to crest 10K in views.  I love to see traffic to the older popular post that show up on the bottom of each post, it from the top for of the past 12 months.  Of course time marches on and 204 Mr. Blink has aged out of the rolling 12 months.  216 Sarah Morris was trending in the top ten most of the month, now she'll be number two in the four most popular post from the past 12 months.  My friend David Nash has that first spot well in hand with his song about my favorite watering hole, The Trempealeau Hotel.

Now that we've been updating these stats for well over a year, here are the Top Ten of All Time, and since Music Has No Expiration Date, I added the links for each.

234, 140, 125, 195, 40, 153, 193, 96, 176, and 196 and of course don't forget the main Theme Index page for the rest.  I love the fact that there are two concert recaps, three album reviews, three playlists, and Monday Morning Song and the year in review.  Great mix of reading, so enjoy the diversity.

MAR 2024 Update

We closed March just under 60K in views and by April 2nd we had crested it.  Of course the posts I put into the world were in the top ten for the month.

And the top posts for the last 12 months are changing up... love changes in the top four that appear in each post, kind of surprised my Taylor Swift Song Study has crested in this top ten yet; but I love to see friends, David Nash, Mr. Blink, Sarah Morris, Kathryn Severing Fox, Sarah King and Wolf Loescher make the top ten.  Remember you can find them all through the Theme Index page.

FEB Update

Boom Shaka Laka, we crested over 50K in views with the help of some kind of spidey force, but bring it on the blog has so much music to discover as we ended the month with 277 editions.  Remember our motto, Good Music has NO Expiration Date, so just go discover soon and devour it.

The Top Traffic for the month was our Taylor Swift Song Study, and it is one that I've gotten the most thank you's on.  I guess we Non-Swifties need to learn a few things, and yes I would be a strong supporter of Taylor now.  Fine I'm now a 65 year old male Swiftie.

Some of you might remember the Moccasin Creek posts from 2022, guess what we're going back in 2024 and we're seeing HOPE DUNBAR for the first time.  I love to see her review continues to show up on the top YTD and Monthly list; click here and enjoy it too.

JAN Update

We had decent traffic during the month, fueled by the Year in Review and a couple of great playlists that Taylor Swift inspired.  #268 Meet me at the Mall and #267 Sweaters and Shirts.

Here's the top last 12 months, love to see my friend and favorite hangout with a strong number one spot.  


Ok we ended the year over 40k views with a strong 3,756 views even though I took a lot of the month off.

I love the mix of the popularity of Monday Morning Songs, Reviews and of course my favorite Playlists in the last 12 months.

During December many older posts got love, and why not "Good Music has NO Expiration Date"


We had a great surge in some spiders find us during November and boosted us to almost 40K views.

I get distracted this month with a few projects and kittens (check out Edition 260) so the top posts in the last 30 days has a lot of great older posts.  Find anything you are curious about at this Theme Index.

The last 12 months looks a lot like last month, but a few older posts keep dropping off.  I do have an urge to put more playlists up because I love them so.


Yes we cleared 35K views and ended up 36.K to date.

The top ten post in the last 30 days

The last 12 months had some shake up at the top as the Driftless Women dropped off.  The long time Number Two FARM dropped off the the month before.


Oh my this month roared back in views, both real and maybe spiders?  I'm not sure but we were 6 views short of 6,000 for the month and almost hit two milestones, 30K and 35k.
Of the traffic measureed, most of it continues to be from Facebook, though IG coming in 3rd is new.

A good share of the views came from the fast rising Monday Morning Song edition with David Nash's "Trempealeau Hotel" a post that is trying to get into 2nd place for the most viewed post the last 12 months too.  Being timely with my reviews also has cooked up some traffic, please go check them all out at : Reviews.  Two playlists hit the top 10, Trempealeau and Streets Vol 1  Thanks for reading and listening.

Here's how the top 10 in the last 12 months looks.

AUGUST update

I'm slightly sorry for taking most of the summer off from posting, but while it's been sporadic posts I've been listening to live music and buying more music.  We're almost at 30K in views and these were the most popular posts the last 30 days:

None of these have snuck into the top posts the last 12 months; yet but I'm back on the job now.

APRIL Update

WE had very good traffic during the month with the post of Hope Dunbar's You Let the Light in shooting up to the Top Four in the last 12 months which land it on every post on the bottom.  Finishing binging Daisy Jones and staying up past my bedtime to create a Daisy Inspired playlist came in at number two, and it and the Hope Dunbar inspired Stop by the House playlist snuck into the Top Ten for the last 12 months too. (The House playlist was edited and posted in record time because I needed to get to church band practice.)  Driftless Women in Music added to its top position by finishing 9th in views during the month.

Here is the top posts during April

The last 12 months.

Yes the traffic was over 1.6k views giving us a total of 22.8K since inception.  I do have to credit my journey into Reddit for adding more views.  Truly they are pretty quiet views, so I don't know if they are bots or people, but even bots help get the blog indexed for more viewers in the future.  Plus a true lesson for all my musician friends, Hope Dunbar added a post to her web page's blog and she ended up with the 3rd most referrals in the month.  Content and context is super important; and another view may be a new fan.  Plus, I'm not paying for any advertising to move the needle; it's all word of mouth, and I talk and share a lot.  Anyone not aware, The Zemmy Show was my old blog. 

You know this type of trend brings me renewed vigor and a want to share more and more.

MARCH update

Yes, March 2023 we crested 20k views and ended up at 21.1k.   I had a lot of fun making the two playlists on Autos, Vans, and Truck Vol. 1 & 2; they are getting plenty of play in the car too.  I especially am proud of the two photos I mocked up.

Three Reviews showed up in the top ten pages, and the Around Town from the house concert weekend got a lot of love too.  I especially love Irwin's comment to me when he told me that he's amazed I take such quality videos with just an iPhone 11.  Of course with St. Paddy's day on Flashback Friday was well listened to again; and you know me... Good music has no expiration date, so find any old post and let it fill you with beautiful music.

My adventure into Reddit has increased views as well where I'm finding them listed 8% of the Specified Top Referrers.

The last 12 months didn't change too much though like I saw coming in February, The Ballad Of; playlist did move into the top four thus showing up on all the posts on the bottom.


With a late flurry we did get 1,200 views to the blog ending a hair under 20K at 19.7K.  I started the Monday Morning Song because it appeared the playlists which are my favorite to compile are just too much to ask people to listen to twice a week.  Funny the playlist The Ballad of ended up with so many views it's threatening to join the top four posts in the last 12 months, plus I love the Cats playlist sneaked into the fourth spot.  I did start putting four albums on the reviews but sadly it didn't increase the viewer ship.  I will go back to one on the next review, but will never say I won't keep trying.  My goal and mission is to promote music, it's just what I'm about.

The other thing to note for February is that this is the first month I'm getting traffic from Reddit.  Follow me there, I promised my son I wouldn't go down the rabbit hole, but I have made more musician connections.

Note that my favorite review of The Calico Stray has dropped off of the top ten for the last 12 months, because sadly it was posted originally in the beginning of March 2022.  Just shows I've been doing this for a while.


I figured the dog days of winter would have a lot of people with time to listen to music but traffic was down and we only had 1,311 views, ending the month with 18,528.  Our top Jan post was far and away Grayson Capps review of his collection South Front Street which moved him into the seventh spot in the last 12 months too.  I loved how posts before #157 still were in the top most viewed this month, including my favorite album of the year, #40 Calico Stray.

Top ten for the last 12 months, and I loved how Deidre McCalla pulled into the 10th spot, because it is a wonderful album


Last month we said we'll likely crest 15k views and we ended the month at 17,217 views; thank you all for stopping by and reading and listening.  I do truly hope you are finding music that will travel with you forever.  Two posts from December made the Top Ten for the last 12 months, Top 2022 Songs & Good Morning Bedlam.  Thursday Release Reviews continue to get the most attention, though I was happy to see my touch of Romance hit the top ten for the month.  Not too surprising since I did promise that each song had to have some type of nudity or the finishing copulating.  Sadly two of my favorite posts didn't reach the top ten; my Oh Mary playlist and Carsie Blanton's Economic of Music.  

Dec Top Ten

Dec Last 12 months

Our last 12 months traffic when I identified came from these links:



 October and November saw some strong activity on the blog from our FARM recap and the Driftless Women in Music.  Overall we've experienced great traffic and early December we will crest 15,000 views after hitting 10,000 on August 22nd.  

I do love when a musician gets the strength of the review I wrote for them and Morningbird truly gets that; I even noted a venue used our post to promote one of their concerts.  It's very cool to see that their Aug post was the fourth highest viewed page in November.

Reviews and concert recaps are getting the most views, but I will never give up on my playlists.  If I wasn't listening to them, I don't think I would have created the blog.  Plus I really only want to do one review a week because I take the time to absorb every song in the review; it takes time and multiple listens.

The picture is hard to read so here are the links, remember don't feel bad about missing a post; "Good Music Has NO Expiration Date"

Nov Top Ten

#140) Driftless Women in Music

#130) Bluff View Treats - Pay it Forward'

#137) Two Chickadee Project

#96) Morning Bird - Cosmic Escape

#129) The Dangling Participles - One More Drop

#131) Bandcamp Friday Nov 2022

#133) Emily Scott Robinson - Built on Bones

#142) Kerrville New Folk Volume 2 2013-2004

#141) Camela Widad - Today's Gurl

#139) Kerriville New Folk Volume 1 2022-14

Nov Last 12 months


I totally recognize that I am retired and have the time to post routinely, to read music trade reviews, and of course to listen to music.  I'm totally appreciative for those who come along for the ride and read and share the blog.  Since every post has the top four posts during the last 12 months, I thought if you missed a post you might want to know which ones have been the most popular.  All of them are special to me, and I'd love to know besides the numbers which ones have created a spark for you.

Top the last 12 months

The Top Four Posts Recently