Tune Tuesday

With all the music in the blog already,  I decided to help you find your way around musically with Tune Tuesday.  One song from a previous post.  I'll keep adding them to this page so freely browse and end up in some great playlist or review.

Feb 4th 2025 : Little Church of Stone - Michael Tyler

Right it's been over a year since I've added new song into Tune Tuesday, and this song came into my head because recently I heard Michael will produce a CD from the demos in the DBT #320 Michael Tyler Demos.  I did have so much fun putting a video to the eleven songs he provided me.  This one has had the most views, and it's just a great country song.

Jan 9th 2024 : Not Worth the Whiskey - Sarah King

Sarah King is in her last days of a Kickstarter.  Weird rules that if you don't hit your goal, you get none of the committed dollars. So I thought how about telling the blog you have 30 some hours left; she's great go here and pledge.  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sarahkingsings/sarah-kings-new-album-will-be-there-when-it-all-goes-down/  Now for Tune Tuesday, we'll use one of my favorite songs from her album "Hour" (reviewed back in Edition 93)

Oct 10th 2023 : War Pigs - Sarah King

I absolutely hate how humans can't treat each other with common decency.  What becomes of all this hatred is war; and I addressed the Ukrainian war in Edition #44, and now 200 editions later Hamas attacks Israel and it begins again.  How many innocent people need to die before we learn?    In the post I was just learning who Sarah King was, and shared her acoustic cover of Black Sabbath.  Seems appropriate today.

Sep 19th 2023 : Fixer Upper - Taylor Rae

Right again I've missed Tune Tuesday for a while, so I looked to see what new video has been released for a song I've highlighted in the blog.  Oh my favorite throwback to Linda Ronstadt or Melanie from the 70's has shared an acoustic version of her song "Fixer Upper." The song is featured in Edition No 71 from her album "Mad Twenties"  Let's just say, she would sound great like this at my house concert series.  Of course this is hilarious in a way because it was featured as Tune Tuesday almost a year ago on Oct. 4th.

June 27th 2023 : Corduroy Road - Long Mama

Right I've missed Tune Tuesday for a while, but I'd love to draw attention to one recent purchase that made it on a recent playlist Summer Ride.  "Corduroy Road" written by Kat Wodtke after a trip to Alaska.  has captured such a warm retreat to a cabin.  It's had so many plays since the download June 23rd is just spoke to an additional highlight.

Corduroy Road
How you call to me
How you sweet-talk and coax
These stubborn blues to their knees
A candle, a match,
And a good book to read
Is all a woman needs
Up Corduroy Street

Six little miles
Outside of Fairbanks town
Exit the highway
And take a right on down
To the end of the road
Kicking up gravel and dust
That is where you can find me
Through the end of August

Only an audio video is available, but if Long Mama puts out an official video, we'll update this post.

June 13th 2023 : Rock Salt & Nails - Ira Wolf

Karma & Adventures in Americana brought me back to the StoryHill review (Edition 97) so let's make this an Ira Wolf week with back to back Monday and Tuesday songs.  This cover of Bruce Utah Phillips song is wonderful, and I think I corrected her that Utah Phillips didn't live in the 1800's.

May 16th 2023 : Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad - Christine Kane

I didn't mean to highlight a song from the Cats Playlist two weeks in a row, but if you looked last week this song wasn't there.  I noted in Facebook today is Christine Kane's birthday and I thought I would listen to one of my favorite songs from her.  Then was kind of embarrassed that it didn't get into the Cats playlist; so I fixed that.  I love her story of how the song came to be, but you'll have to watch the video to hear it.

May 9th 2023 : Tom Cat Blues - The New Lost City Ramblers

After Mr. Hobbes pasted away, way too early.  I put together this montage to remember him to one of my favorite songs that was already in my Cats playlist so I swapped out the video.  Truly the cats playlist was also inspired by my buddy.  I'm starting to be able to talk about him without tearing up so it's about time I rewatched this video.  I hope you all have someone in your life you call your buddy.

May 2nd 2023 : I'm not Sayin' - The Foreign Landers

May you rest in peace Gordon Lightfoot, and may more people cover your library.  "I'm not sayin'" that you didn't do a good job with the original mix, but I love when groups like The Foreign Landers reinvent music into their own sound.  This Tune Tuesday comes from the review release of "Put All Your Troubles Away"  

Apr 25th 2023 : Cat and the Fiddle - The Gothard Sisters

If you follow the Facebook page, you might have seen I lost my buddy Hobbes yesterday.  It's tough, he was part Maine Coon and part dog.  To say he was a buddy, underestimates how he brought me joy in the everyday things he did when he wasn't snoozing.  Snoozing so many times on his back exposing that plump curly underbelly.  Tune Tuesday had to come from the Cats playlist; and you know me and sisters playing music and singing, it has to be this song to cheer me up.

Apr 18th 2023 : Whiskey and Water - John Daly & Willie Nelson

For today I have a few reasons why I wandered over the Whiskey playlist.  First I made Volume 2 of our old friend, so many to pick from and I haven't even searched the vinyl.  It will include Another Shot of Whiskey that I shared at the last songwriter's corner.  Second, today I had a SHOT of cortisone in my pinky finger to fix my trigger finger on my left hand... yes I need that pinky to make a Bm chord.  Now it hurts, where's my shot of whiskey.  Third and finally, I have been laughing at the Bud Light controversy, guys who are so insecure they can't live with a business marketing to all people fairly.  Hey Coors Light's gain, but guys don't threaten their horses.

Apr 11th 2023 : Take it to the Garden - Maygen & The Birdwatcher

After driving 8 hours in the last two days anticipating the drive to Colorado for Rocky Mountain Folks Fest in Autumn; add in seeing both the garlic and chives popping up I'm anticipating the garden this year too.  This song and video came to mind.  I'm finally anticipating seeing them open for the Ozark Mountain Daredevils in July up at the Big Top.  All Tune Tuesday songs are mined from the blog, and this gem is in the Top 2022 Songs post.

Here it is on Bandcamp, go ahead and make their day and buy it.

Apr 4th 2023 : Roses & Whiskey - Matt Heckler

Too funny I forgot to post a Tune Tuesday until after 5:00, so I went to grab a scotch and water and decide which song to post.  I headed for the Whiskey playlist and loved them all but lately Matt has been in my playlist the most.

Now Matt doesn't have a live version of the song on YouTube, but I found this awesome cover from one really hard working folksinger, with only 19 views... come on people.  Let's watch it a few times and subscribe to his channel.

Mar 28th 2023 : Sugar in my Bowl - Miss Tess

So today I'm going to boil my second batch of maple syrup, and it made me think of my Sugar playlist.  This is the second time the playlist has snuck into Tune Tuesday, in fact you would need to scroll all the way back to the 2nd entry to hear Phoebe Hunt's "Sugar for my Man"  The playlist has two of Miss Tess's releases of the song in Bandcamp, and when I checked for a video I found a fan posted her with Thomas AND her parents, though he didn't mention them.

This is my favorite Bandcamp version because it sounds they are sitting in the corner of my house concert series:

Mar 21st 2023 : Sad Cafe - Don Lange

We've been watch the first season of You on Netflix, and tonight I believe Joe will be killing Beck.  It's such an intense show all I can watch is one a night.  The series will go on, but come on I loved Beck with all of her issues, she could be such a sweetheart.  I'm sure we'll see what goes on with Joe and maybe I'll fall for another one of his victims, oh well.  So I wanted to share Don Lange's "Nobody can hurt you like a friend" but it hasn't made the blog yet; but his "The Ballad of a Sad Cafe" fits from the Ballad Playlist.

Mar 14th 2023 : Fishin' with You - Carsie Blanton

We're about a month away from the 3rd anniversary of John's death on April 7th, 2020 from Covid.  Right after that Carsie came into my music.  This tribute song for John went viral, and I quickly fell in love with her music, writing and her quirky revolutionary style.  This song was shared in a playlist of songs for musicians, which is priceless and free to listen by clicking HERE.  I was reminded of it when I bought new music yesterday and heard a song for John Prine by Hope Dunbar.  I'll have to see about volume TWO of songs about musicians.

Mar 7th 2023 : Do Friends Fall in Love - Rachael & Vilray

I woke up happy today, yes Hobbes let me sleep in.  So let's say congrats to Rachael Price going on maternity leave, so I guess friends do fall in love? This tune is in the blog for the album review release #171 Let's Spin 4 new albums. 

Here's the studio version on Bandcamp:

Feb 28th 2023 : Beautiful Life - Jill Barber

For Tune Tuesday, here's a woman who is not Picture Perfect in her mind.  I think she's close and marvel at her beautiful life.  This song was in my top 60 songs for the year, post #153.

Feb 21st 2023 : Body Language - Buffalo Rose

A part of my release review commitment is that if the artist puts out a new video (or I find one from someone else) on a song in the release, I go back and add it.  That happened JUST YESTERDAY and I revisited #150 Again, Again, Again so the song definitely needs to be our TUNE Tuesday.  Actually for as much as I love Buffalo Rose, I'm not surprised this is their second entry in my TT list.  It's a good one, and I love the video description : "Muscle Shoals meets the Punch Brothers on this propulsive soul song, driven by swooping vocal harmonies. The song captures perfectly the double meaning of the title, from the moment a lover reads anotherā€™s from across the room to the moment when lovers let their bodies do the talking for them."

Feb 14th 2023 : At the End of the Rainbow - Sierra Ferrell

Of course Happy Valentines Day, and with that a fun happy song from Sierra Farrell from a recent "Rainbows" playlist.  I've been listening a lot to Sierra recently since we decide to see her at the Big Top in Bayfield in July.  More on that later, here's a great reason to smile.

In the Rainbow playlist I wrote "Boy she looks like fun to see live... bucket list again." Crossing it off this year!  Now I should write that I want to see Allison Young live and maybe that will happen too.

Feb 7th 2023 : Lucky Sometimes - Pokey LaFarge

Oh I was inspired by it being the 7th today, and how many times do people think that number is Lucky, well it is sometimes.  This great Pokey song comes from the Luck playlist; and I hope you enjoy it and are lucky today.  Hey now maybe I gave Bonnie some Dave's Basement Tracks bump after I picked her song last week and she goes on to win a Grammy.  Ha... in my dreams.  Speaking of dreams Pokey is one lucky dog getting Esther Rose to play his love interest in this great video.

Jan 31st 2023 : Sweet and Shiny Eyes - Bonnie Raitt

For Tune Tuesday I like to celebrate what's been on my mind.  We just finished watching Netflix Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and oh those sweet and shiny eyes of hers won me from show one until the end.  Gracious I heard it was the highest rated show ever in Korea so it needs to have a second season, right?  What needs no additional announcement is who is Bonnie Raitt.  This song is in my top favorite songs, if not my most favorite Bonnie song. You can find it in Eyes Volume One in the blog.

Jan 24th 2023 : Honey Pie - The Bygones

Ok Tune Tuesday is always an opportunity to mine out a song from a playlist that might have been missed.  Well it's also what's on my mind, and Allison Young has been on my mind and I just found her after searching for this classic Beatles tune off the White album for yesterday's Pie Playlist. (Officially named The Beatles)  Allison has started to tour and record with Josh Turner Guitar who my buddy David Enge has reconfirmed that I'll love his music enough to venture outside of Bandcamp.  (We'll see my wishlist in Bandcamp is pretty extensive)  Back to Allison, since finding this video I have bought her EP on Bandcamp and become a Patreon of her.  I am truly amazed at the amount of followers she has on IG and the number of views her videos get.  Yes, you will hear more from her in the blog.   Since she lives in Nashville I expect that I'll see her with other digital friends of mine.  She is now on my bucket list to see.  Here, time to watch the video for a cuteness overload.

Jan 17th 2023 : Cheap Seats - Emily Scott Robinson

Dreams do come true, and I believe Emily Scott Robinson's crowds will continue to get bigger as she goes along and she will be singing for the cheap seats.  I couldn't believe she hasn't graced Tune Tuesday yet.  So today as I prepare to buy some expensive seats (front section or we don't go) today for the Wailin' Jennys playing at the Big Top today, I thought this song was very timely.  This song is in ESR's American Siren review Ed. 61, yes some 100 editions ago and I still love that album.

Jan 10th 2023 : Alabama Rain

A while back my friend Bill Poss asked in Twitter for everyone's favorite Jim Croce song, and without hesitation I said "Alabama Rain"  He said something like "now that's a rare one." Hmm, I guess it didn't make this guy's top ten either.  It's short, sweet, and beautifully penned with real imagery that everyone can relate to.  Hey and why not a Tune Tuesday since I'm bidding farewell to a friend moving to Alabama.  This song appears States Route 1 that now has a ONE Click YouTube playlist with this song:

Jan 3rd 2023 : Navajo Rug & Blue Mountain of Mexico

With the passing of Ian Tyson last week, I posted a cover of one my favorite songs Navajo Rug also in the Romance playlist.  My other favorite Ian songs is Blue Mountain of Mexico.  It can be found in my Colors playlist, and while I absolutely love Jennifer Warnes cover; there was no video.  The one I found is perfect tribute for Ian recorded two years ago.

Dec 27th 2022 : Plowshare Prayer by Spencer LaJoye

As I was listening to my top 60 song playlist cooking, I truly had to pause when this song came up.  Truly it is one of the best hymn or song of the year.  Spencer identifies as they and was finding it difficult working within Christian churches after education.  What is delivered is truly a prayer for healing in this world where hatred finds home in our top political machines, and 95% right wing AM talk shows.  

I normally don't post the lyrics for Tune Tuesday, but there are so many blessings in this song, and as you listen you can read, sing, or talk along.  The live video is awesome, but please support Spencer's music by buying the studio version HERE.

Dear blessed creator, dear mother, dear savior
Dear father, dear brother, dear holy other
Dear sibling, dear baby, dear patiently waiting
Dear sad and confused, dear stuck and abused

Dear end-of-your-rope, dear worn out and broke,
Dear go-it-alone, dear running from home
Dear righteously angry, forsaken by family
Dear jaded and quiet, dear tough and defiant

I pray that Iā€™m heard
And I pray that this works

I pray if a prayer has been used as a sword
against you and your heart, against you and your word
I pray that this prayer is a plowshare, of sorts
that it might break you open, it might help you grow

I pray that your body gets all that it needs
and if you donā€™t want healing, I just pray for peace
I pray that your burden gets lighter each day
I pray the mean voice in your head goes away

I pray that you honor the grief as it comes
I pray you can feel all the life in your lungs
I pray that if you go all day being brave
that you can go home, go to bed feeling safe

I pray youā€™re forgiven, I pray you forgive
I pray you set boundaries and openly live
I pray that you feel you are worth never leaving
I pray that you know I will always believe you

I pray that youā€™re heard
and I pray that this works

Amen on behalf of the last and the least
On behalf of the anxious, depressed, and unseen
Amen for the workers, the hungry, the houseless
Amen for the lonely and recently spouseless

Amen for the queers and their closeted peers
Amen for the bullied who hold in their tears
Amen for the mothers of little Black sons
Amen for the kids who grow up scared of guns

Amen for the addicts, the ashamed and hungover
Amen for the calloused, the wisened, the sober
Amen for the ones who want life to be over
Amen for the leaders who lose their composure

Amen for the parents who just lost their baby
Amen for the chronically ill and disabled
Amen for the children down at the border
Amen for the victims of our law and order

I pray that youā€™re heard
and I pray that this works

I pray if a prayer has been used as a sword
against you and your heart, against you and your word
I pray that this prayer is a plowshare, of sorts


released February 18, 2022
Written by Spencer LaJoye

Dec 20th 2022 : Multi-Colored Lady - Gregg Alman

Gregg had the ultimate southern blues voice, and his first solo album was featured on one of my Dave's Basement Tracks Radio shows.  I was posting throwback blog posts revisiting the old shows, and while I almost shared Mary Black's cover of "Lay Down Your Weary Head" from the post, this song had a video issue where his son covering Gregg's song was turned private.  Dang.  This song is likely in my top 50 favorite songs of all time.  First it's a great story.  Second in my days of befriending seemingly every woman I could, I've met this woman.  (Yes I truly admire and easily love so many women but I'm as faithful as a hound dog)  So in these days of Christmas and family, let's remember that there are good people out there lonely and in despair; I can't hug them all but I hope they find music or a friend that give them solace; maybe someone nice just sits down in the seat next to them and shows empathy.

Dec 13th 2022 : The Haunting - Good Morning Bedlam

I hope this isn't a trend but today's #TuneTuesday takes you back to yesterday's post and the live video from our house concert Friday night.  Beside having GMB on my brain, I also wanted to highlight you can listen or buy the entire concert on Bandcamp.  Click Here.  Not every concert do I quickly break it into songs, and not all artists are comfortable with bootleg concerts out in the webverse; but Isaak was cool about it.  So unlike Bob Dylan who would have sketchy bootlegs made into vinyl and cassette tapes, you can get this song digitally mastered by me.  Ha.  100% of proceeds go back to Good Morning Bedlam.

Dec 6th 2022 : Machine Man - Buffalo Rose

So today we're not going back too far, like YESTERDAY's Bandcamp Friday post.  Lori and I just got done watch "The Peripheral" and have SciFi on the brain and I feel like I might want to travel to a different stub.  Now maybe if I was a "Machine Man"  Now Buffalo Rose could easily be a band I review so here are some thoughts about them.  A six piece group will be hard to keep together for a long time, and they have already replaced Rosanna Spindler with Margot Jezerc (though I only knew them with the lovely and energetic Margot).  ENJOY and BOOK them now if you can.  So let's strain the genre and call them a string band; because while they don't have a fiddle, they use the background vocals to heighten crescendos, resolve the climax, and accentuate and talk back to the lead singer rather than just giving harmonies (which of course they excel at too).  Lay in the percussive mandolin, and the incredible dobro play and we've got a touch notch string band.  This video also gives you a taste of their energy you will see live; it sure keeps the guitarist Shane on his toes.  Enjoy.

Nov 29th 2022:  Devil's Blues - Erik Koskinen

Ok Thanksgiving is over and not all families are as perfect as yours and some even have a little cousin lust.  Yes, even Rudy Giuliani didn't learn the lessons from Erik's song and got married to his cousin.  This song was featured in an early Murder on the Mississippi Express playlist, but Erik knows this song is my favorite and once to my surprise he dedicated it to me in the crowd.  This video is classic with his baritone guitar too.

And just because I saw a comment I dropped on the video above about my cover... you get two videos of the same song.

Nov 22nd 2022:  Maybe Genevieve Racette

On Oct 19th, when I posted this video in a playlist promoting her visit to the Pump House, Nov 22nd seemed like ages away.  Now it's today and I'm going to see her tonight.  Maybe if you are in the area, you should come too?  Funny two Canadians in a row for Tune Tuesday; and another reason why you might not get another opportunity to see her again soon.

Nov 15th 2022:  Kapuskasing Coffee - Justin Rutledge

Today for some reason I just needed a pick me up, and coffee is always the answer.  It took me to Edition #24 Morning Mojo.  This song by Justin is perfect to gently move into the day.  A little sentimental, beautiful harmonies, and God Bless those boys.

This song typifies the blog, if you haven't heard it before it's great and award winning, from this blog post.1) Kapuskasing Coffee ā€“ This is an awesome song by Canadian singer-songwriter Justin Rutledge, who this month won the Juno award for best Solo Roots / Traditional Album of the Year.  The song is a simple, thoughtful, and melodic masterpiece.  Rutledge has also been able to take the sound and lyrics of this song and really make it feel very Kapuskasing, Ontario.  (It feels very northern Ontario-ish somehow.)  Always enjoyable to hear a song that has coffee and Canadian references in it, lol 

Nov 8th 2022:  Some Humans ain't Human - John Prine

Well the US is going to vote today, and l wanted to share John's scathing opinion that some people are going to vote for people that he questions their approach to dignity of their fellow humans.  When people are stripped of their rights, treated like dogs, or even worse thought of as dirt for their choices in partners; I'm just worried for all of us humans long term.  John says it well and this was shared originally in the Human playlist #60.

ā€¦ Some humans ain't human, some people ain't kindThey lie through their teeth with their head up their behindYou open up their hearts, and here's what you'll findSome humans ain't human, some people ain't kind

Nov 1st 2022:  Clown - Sofia Talvik

For the day after Halloween I went back to the Clown playlist, because I'm sure you saw some yesterday because I did send them out.  The playlist is packed with fun uses of the dreaded character.  When I went to add a one-click YouTube playlist, I said oh I have to share the Sofia Talvik's video for few reasons.  First, I love to see Sofia act the sultry character in the video, then it's so on track with the circus metaphor for how stupid some people (ha mostly men) are in relationships.  Finally, Sofia and I went back and forth a bit about how Spotify playlist would be better because she could just hit the playlist and listen.  Because I maintain a Spotify boycott, I later figured out that I could do it YouTube and why share her song as a thank you for making the songs more accessible.

Oct 25th 2022:  Old Fashioned Way - Storyhill

Sorry to have missed last week, it was a busy week.  Today's song is one I can now rename because the people at Storyhill Fest did an incredible thing.  They recorded the VIP Thursday Concert and MADE it AVAILABLE on Bandcamp (Just click here you didn't get the hint)  Finally I know know the name of the song video I posted from the concert.  (yes I will edit the video's title) Fitting I'm posting this the day of my FARM recap, because the video was on my Storyhill Fest recap edition number 97.  

Oct 11th 2022:  One Red Rose (John Prine cover) - Iris Dement

I have taken to updating some older posts with a one click YouTube playlist to make the music more accessible, and to give you something that will play in the background while you are doing the dishes or maybe even meditating.  I went back to Colors to make that this Friday's Flashback and found this wonderful video of Iris singing John's song at a festival in honor of Kate Wolf.  Now if that isn't a trifecta of brilliant songwriters in one sentence.  Since the video premiered after my blog it makes sense I missed it... Ha... I have now added it to the post, and here it is as our Tune Tuesday.

Oct 4th 2022:  Fixer Upper - Taylor Rae

If you haven't noticed Taylor Rae in the top four posts at the bottom of each playlist, the review of her "Mad Twenties" post fell to number 5 as Joseph Huber's review took the number 3 slot.  All I can tell you is that Taylor was a top memory for the summer of 2022.  Without her being an opener for Pokey Lafarge we wouldn't have become members of the A Train for the Dakota Club in the Twin Cities.  Taylor did not disappoint and I hold out hope that some where along the line, we'll see her again or maybe even book her for a house concert.  This song is a gentle song about relationships that she admits she is the one needing fixing up.  

Sep 27th 2022:  Water Witch - The Secret Sisters

I'm going to love these Tune Tuesdays because they give me an opportunity to revisit old playlist and fall back in love with the songs again.  Today I was sure I was going to share a Chuck Brodsky baseball song and went to #8 Tell me a story where there are TWO great songs by Chuck.  Then I while I was updating the blog with a YouTube playlist I thought, David Huckfelt's video of "Cole Younger" was too good not to share and it was added to the blog post.  Then I hit Michelle Lewis and that incredible song about her grandma.  Ultimately the last song was the winner, and who couldn't use a little Water Witch in their life if you get to see Brandi Carlile too.

Sep 20th 2022:  Sugar - Phoebe Hunt

Since my playlist post was food today, everything tastes better with a little a touch of sugar; oh yeah I did a playlist on the subject, Edition #53  The song from the playlist that should lure you into the playlist, OF COURSE Phoebe Hunt singing with her sister on my most favorite YouTube Channel Music Fog.  Dang I don't know what dense man she is singing about.  I was also reminded of how good Phoebe is live with just a fiddle in her hands when my friend Shanna in a Dress recently was wow'd by her playing down in Nashville.

Sep 13th 2022:  On the Line - Vivian Leva & Riley Calcagno

This song is in the review of their first album, edition #65; to funny I wrote in the description of this song I so want to host these two for a house concert.  Guess what since I have lined up Sept 23rd they will be playing Bluff View House Concerts series in Holmen, WI.  Maybe that's why their music is also on my mind today.

Let me know if you like this format for #TuneTuesday

Remember all the songs in the blog are fresh and waiting for you to devour them because Good #MusicHasNoExpirationDate  Check out the Theme page for subjects that might intrigue you.

Thanks for listening and reading.... if you buy some of their music all the better.

The Top Four Posts Recently