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DBT #320 Michael Tyler Demos

  Ok if you haven't read the blog much, I love to listen to music I own and I'm not shy about it.  No Spotify here, and when out of the blue Michael Tyler messaged me if I was interested in buying his collection; I was curious.  He sent pictures of the 56 vinyls he had and I really had about 16 of them but the some of the others filled holes that I really didn't have in the library.  So I made a higher offer than I expected I would but if he found a buyer individually he might have made more depending on the shape of the records.  We had a deal and agreed I'd stop over and pick them up. Oh my did we have lengthy conversations about collecting in general ( yes he collected bicycles so I used one of his many photos of bikes for this blog post ), religion ( we went to the same church for awhile ), military ( Michael is a Navy vet ), and how to get along in this crazy political world. ( Story better left to Michael to tell )  The collection included a Dan Berg...

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