Edition #12 - Black Cowboy

Dave's Basement Tracks was created for two reasons, do a deep dive into a CD that was added to the Ocooch Mountain Radio library, and promote artist coming to the area.  When we can do both, it's sweet.  When I saw that Midwest Music Fest had booked Dom Flemons for a fundraiser "Songs for Sippin" March 7th with the Cactus Blossoms.. I was all in because I admired Dom for his work in Chocolate Drops; and I met the CB boys last year twice.  I'll see them whenever they come to town.

I did some research on what was the best CD to feature and how about a Grammy nominated Smithsonian release.  Sounds like a winner to me and I'm loving having it in my library.

As I looked at my calendar of events I quickly wanted to share the Sarah Vos and Adam Greuel event at the La Crosse Distillery Feb 27th.  They are the main parts to Dead Horses and Horseshoes & Handgrenades. (no I can't make that relationship of band names up.. it's real)  So they are on the playlist.

Then I see Gretchen Peters who I've followed for years is playing at the great Alma venue the Big River Theater.

Throw in a great Dylan cover by Sarah Jarorz (a tradition to start the show with a Dylan Cover) and my recent new artist love Miss Tess with an older song that always makes me blush; "Don't tell Momma".

Remember Ocooch is 24/7... and should be your companion.. just forget about that Spotify... they really pay artists less than Ocooch & other radio stations do...

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