New CD Basement Tracks

 Yes I borrowed the name of our radio show for our new Lucky Dog CD.  It is live at Exclusively on  Why you might say can you buy some songs for $1.00 or the whole CD for $1.00?  If you buy one of the great singles that are a cover, the money helps pay for the licensing cost.  If you buy the whole cd, you gain my love, and you help me surpass what I've made a lifetime in streaming revenues on over 4,000 streams.

During the pandemic I definitely had more time to spend in the basement; and decided to put together a few of my favorite covers, a few old songs, and a few new songs.  So many great friends helped, especially on the "You are my Sunshine", but to have Randy Sabien on fiddle for two songs is incredible.  Feel free to listen while you read the liner notes.

The Man in the Long Black Coat: (Bob Dylan)

This is one of my favorite Dylan track, and Randy Sabien's fiddle takes you to the dark side of the backwaters.  Living in Wisconsin we might not have crocs but we do have scary backwaters, creepy people who promote the Bible, and missing people. You all come back now, you hear.

Crossing the Line: (Dave Schipper)

As I was putting this cd together this song was sitting there as a weed out from the Dave Zeman Gypsy Soul CD  I really like this and heck for today's environment it was a wall to climb.

To Make You Feel My Love: (Bob Dylan)

When I was asked to back up Katie Johnson singing for a wedding for her friend, I had to learn a Dylan song that I did not have much appreciation.  I found it was pretty popular covered by Garth Brooks and Adele.  Katie asked for a recording to practice with during the week; and it netted me with a voice that I had to do something with along the line.  She's got a great voice.  Recorded it in a duet style, and Katie is so cool to give me permission to release.   

To Feel the Likes: (Dave Schipper)

Randy Sabien said in concert that Love Songs many times fall into two categories, Whiners or Stalkers.  The original "To Make you Feel My Love" has many stalker type images.  It needed a parody, and here it is.  The first line tying it to Facebook was when I told a friend (Jessie McDonald) I tag her so much, she must be bruised.  I really thought it would be hilarious if I could get Adele to sign it, so I asked Sofia Talvik.  She said yes!

One More Cup of Coffee: (Bob Dylan)

Another Lucky Dog Dylan cover standard in our sets.  Just had to license it and put it out for the world.  Call me lucky because way before the pandemic I had a chance to record dogette Lynn Konsela on the harmony. I’ve always loved the feel of the bouzouki on this song.

Most of the While (Natalie Gelman / Charlie Midnight)

Being a house concert host, I get many artists asking as they come through town if we can do an impromtu concert.  The answer is almost always no, because of activating the audience.  I normally recommended a great coffee house called The Root Note, which is where I first met Natalie Gelman and we've been friends ever since.  This song started when I was making a ton of videos.  I've putzed with the original a little and decided to make this her officially paid licensed song.  (At least I think so... many more to come.)  She has recently been signed by a label... watch out she's a rising star.  Licensed Cover from Harry Fox Agency.

Swordfishtrombone (Tom Waits)

Lori and I did a Music and Mountain vacation trip a few years back and heard two wonderful musicians busking in the Boulder plaza, and when they covered this Tom Waits song it was the first time I heard it. They played it with such a gypsy feel.  I quickly learned it and memorized the words and the story.  This was the first song I asked Randy to add a fiddle, and oh my this takes me back to Boulder.

Crazy Enough : (Dave Schipper)

This is my most John Prine style song; all of the verses are true or mostly.

Flowers of the Forest : (Dave Schipper)

Here's the reimagined traditional song that I was lucky enough to get the big voice of Nicola Maria O'Donnell to sing on via the internet WAY back when MySpace was where it was cool to hang out.  It was on the Dave Zeman "Gypsy Soul" and this is a remix with a fuller sound.

Opposite Destiny : (Kim Niemi Davidson / Dave Schipper)

This was written back in the days of MySpace, and I had a bad day and was waiting for my son during his piano lesson.  I posted it later that week and to my surprise Kim Niemi (Davidson) read it and put a melody and sent me a draft cut.  I still marvel at the spontaneous collaboration.  This was released on Dave Zeman "Gypsy Soul" but it has been remixed fuller.

Pharmakon (Sir Undlin - Humbird)

On a flyer I wondered if I could cover an artist I love and admire, Humbird.  I took on one of my favorites, look her up she really is good.

No Regrets (Dave Schipper)

I've played the Canon for a long time, and even as a solo guitarist at weddings.  Recently my wife is learning to play piano and plays this song.  One evening I thought of putting an ode for her together with this melody.  It's a song that grows old from one verse to the other; well over 40 years now and no regrets.  I did ask and got a resounding yes to have my favorite local music teacher and fellow church bandmate Erin Robinson to play the piano.  For a women steeped in music theory, she has a knack of improvisation that I really love; and she let it play out in a song that she has played numerous times in weddings too.

Bonus Cuts:

Scotch (Tim Kolek / Paul Oelfke)

This was a Tim Kolek original that was in many a Rose River set list.  I took a recording he made in his basement added a djembe, harp and a drunk harmony.  Tim wrote this with a buddy Paul Oelfke in college.  The love of scotch has not gone away from any of us, I think that's why the song speaks to me.  Ha Join at noon.

You are my Sunshine: (Traditional)

This song is always a favorite of you dogette Sue Heilman, and while she couldn't get her voice on the pandemic recording that was all about contributed vocals and instruments.  It was for the Great River Folk Fest goal of sharing to Care Facilities to have music. While the DVD's did have technical difficulties we did get to share it via a great video.

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