DBT #175 - Monday Morning Song - "Curious" by Erin Zindle & The Ragbirds


Yes I've told you sometimes I would wake you up on Monday and get you fired up for the day.

I recently started following and buying music from the band lead by one energetic lady.

I love the single's art, I do expect her to sprout wings and fly, kind of a gypsy angel.

Here's the Bandcamp link that I bought last BC Friday, she describes it as:

“Curious” is an indie-pop anthem; a declaration of rebellion against the fear of change, loss, old age, and death. It reflects a choice to face one’s own uncertain future with a different perspective; one that chooses to view life as a choose-your-own-adventure where we are endlessly empowered to make choices and changes.

Actually she does have some wings on in this video, and I love this young soul contrasting herself against people even older than me.  She's out of Michigan, so now that she's on my radar I hope to say hi to her face to face, you know, "I'm not of afraid" but I might end up a little shy.

Sing along here are the lyrics.
Vs 1. ) Check the tempo check the pulse - yes it’s still beating
Check the mail check numbers off the list - time is fleeting
Check the attic - where’s my mind? Dearly departed
How far yet to happiness? Further still than when we started

I’m not afraid of growing older
I'm curious to see where my story goes
I'm gonna choose my own adventure
I want to know the things that God only knows

Vs 2.) Pack the suitcase, twist the plot - I’m a survivor
Trade the reckless ego of my youth for something wiser
So much still unexplored, so much within me
How much time do I have left?
Longer if I keep believing

And if I die and the world goes on without me
Would I regret the things remembered about me?
And if I live to tell a good long story
I want to grow in the light and wisdom within me


If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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