DBT #177 Monday Morning Song - Tomatoes From the Vine

Good morning, let's start your week day dreaming of eating a tomato from the vine and letting the juices run down your face and drip on your shirt.  A friend just released this song last Thursday and then played La Crosse with Long Mama on Saturday; to it's a must in my mind you start your week with a little Luke Callen (though he's a BIG furry teddy bear)  The song is the first single from a new album coming soon, and it's produced by the talented Erik Koskinen. (Same as Long Mama's).

Pretty sure this won't be the last video of Luke doing the song on YouTube, but I'm proud to say Dave's Basement Tracks got the first one posted. (Yes Carol with Adventures in Americana aren't you a little jealous?)

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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