DBT #180 Monday Morning Song - Atlantic City by Honeysuckle


Ok it was a full weekend with hosting Mike Munson for a house concert, and getting over to see a favorite band at a local church concert series.  So happy that Journey Lutheran puts effort into introduce music to their congregation and the community to their beautiful listening room.

Plus add Bandcamp Friday interrupted my concert organization with a frenzied hour of buying over 7 hours of music, including this Monday Morning Music song from Honey Suckle a band I found in my new Reddit experience.  Just goes to show, post your music everywhere you don't know where a music buyer stalker might find you.

The song is a cover of The Band covering Bruce Sprinsteen's "Atlantic City"... now that's a mouthful of legends that I love; and their video did not disappoint.  (yes musicians can also master video editing and green screen)  I don't know much about this Boston group, but you know me well enough... I will be adding more to the library.

I'm guessing the studio version came first, and while I have programs smart enough to extract the audio from videos, I do prefer to buy them when given the opportunity.

You didn't think I would leave you there right????

I don't own this particular song by The Band YET, because I have put the CD Jericho on my wantlist in Discogs.

And here's the Boss doing it... pretty sure I have about three versions in the library including this CD.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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