DBT #197 Monday Morning Song - Rocks by Angela Soffe

News can be so depressing. I go to church and hear the good news a Jesus raised and telling his disciples he is among us (later we find out it's the Holy Spirit but that's for a later story).  Then I come home and read the news, politicians who plot hatred against transgender because it trips their fear and gets them to pledge and vote their side.  Instead of working together on plans that might make us a safer place with leadership, they plan divisive issues to separate us and stir hatred.  Gracious, and these are the people on the side that typically is associated with Christians.  What must Jesus feel about that?  Maybe this story could be read at their next meeting:

6-8 Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt. They kept at him, badgering him. He straightened up and said, “The sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone.” Bending down again, he wrote some more in the dirt.

9-10 Hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. Jesus stood up and spoke to her. “Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?”

11 “No one, Master.”

“Neither do I,” said Jesus. “Go on your way. From now on, don’t sin.”] John 8: 6-11

So with that on my mind I scrolled though my Bandcamp library and I found this gem that spoke directly to me with such excellent lyrics and mix.  Here are the lyrics:

by Angela Soffe

I don’t know much about anything
But I know something is tearing me down
I wake up thinking about all the ways I don’t measure up
And it hurts to let them down
So judge me, cast me your stones
I will lay them back at your feet
Take my hand, let’s walk a mile

We like to throw rocks
At the people who don’t see the world in the way we do
I don’t know why
We all stand in a circle and point a finger or two
Tell me how can you see
what is buried beneath a mountain of smiles?
We’re all thrown in the same blue water of the unknown
So leave your rocks at home

The truth is not what is seems
We are told to just be believing
The story has never been told
And we all need someone to listen
To hold our hearts as they’re beating
We’re so much more than we seem

But we like to throw rocks
At the people who don’t see the world in the way we do
I don’t know why
We all stand in a circle and point a finger or two
Tell me how can you see
what is buried beneath a mountain of smiles?
We’re all thrown in the same blue water of the unknown
So leave your rocks at home

Moving parts
We’re all the same you and me
The only defeat is when we don’t ask to see

We like to throw rocks
At the people who don’t see the world in the way we do
I don’t know why
We all stand in a circle and point a finger or two
Tell me how can you see
what is buried beneath a mountain of smiles?
We’re all thrown in the same blue water of the unknown
So leave your rocks at home
So leave your rocks at home


released February 16, 2018
Written and performed by Angela Soffe. Producer is Andy Park. Recorded at Hall of Justice Studio, in Seattle, WA in October 2017.

So amen to this song and to Angela Soffe, and may you put down some rocks today and the rest of the week.

Angela was a recent find for me, and again I don't remember why; the Holy Spirit maybe????

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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