DBT #206 Lojo Russo - No Scars, No Stories


I'm always a little cautious to tell artists to pitch themselves to my house concert series.  I only host two in Spring and two in Fall and I likely have 8 artists at any given time that I would like to have back or at the house for the first time.  Lojo Russo out of the blue did just that; and armed with the fact she had played both at Trempealeau Hotel & Eckers Apple Orchard; two places I admire in the the area.  My stock question is always is your music on Bandcamp, and it was.  I put her in my wishlist and the next (Feb) Bandcamp Friday I bought this 2013 gem.  A fifteen song collection with two outstanding covers, but really I didn't know that at the time.  I likely listened to a few songs and said, sounds good and bluesy.

Now let's see why this album was picked for our Thursday release.  On Monday when I went out to work outside with some fantastic weather in front of us, and so many projects.  I have a habit of clipping a JBL speaker to my pants so I'm not closing up my ears to the world, but still can hear music.  Yep on 2 acres carrying my music around only bothers the birds and squirrels, I doubt if the neighbors can hear it.  When I looked at the library I said, hmm Lojo Russo.  I don't know that woman very well and I think she's a friend of mine.  (Yep after the house concert pitch we became digital FB friends)  Well it was a great choice, and I noted as I backed up my phone her album plays went from 3 to 60+.  Considering that the closer song over 8 minutes has been played 5 times you can see it's been a companion.

I found a bunch of her songs on YouTube as a companion piece and will share the playlist I made from them, but truly you need to listen to the top notch recording.  

1) Where We Left Off

Oh my the album starts off with a great groove and a perfect story of running into an old friend.  Love the wine reference, and it feels like I've the same conversation; no regrets and I have more time now that I'm retired.  You start to hear that Lojo has some guitar chops in her too, kind of more a poppy Rory Block.

This video has the story of how the album got the name... I could tell you; but you should listen.

2) Nickel in My Pocket

This song had both Lori and I singing along with it in the car, (right when I'm listening outside then I go in the car it keeps playing the same list) again a great little groove.  Great lead guitar work but without liner notes I don't know for sure if that's Lojo; if I find out I'll update.

3) Bigger Picture

Yep, I sometimes feel even if I'm retired I'm moving 100 miles an hours with 50 different fires, but then I sit down and relax and listen to a song like this.  You might be able to tell why this album helped keep me moving around the yard.

Here she is solo, and you can tell she's got great rockin blues influence in that rhythm guitar lick.

5) Fire

This soft beautiful song was written by Michael D Matheney and if you buy the song individually proceeds are cancer research, likely the reason for the empathy in the song.

10) Bad So Bad

Right I'm jumping around to my favorite songs, first because FIFTEEN songs, and second I still have that list of outside projects to work on.  Ha.  THIS song deserves you to buy it, stream it, and share it.  Love the interplay between the electric and acoustic guitar, and when a line rhymes Tom Waits and Bill Gates I instantly take notice; let alone rhyming paparazzi... great writing.

12) Ring of Fire

This cover stopped me in my tracks to stay, "Wow that's one interesting reimagination!"

14) Ripple

I've covered this Grateful Dead song, but again it made me look to see what song is this.  Lojo really made it hers, and I absolutely love it.

15) Bad so Bad

Yep... great song made into a jazzy jam song, almost like I'm listening to my old George Benson records.

Here's a great playlist of other songs in YouTube

Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
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