DBT #218 Monday Morning Song - "Find Less" by Ira Wolf


I remember a dear music friend of mind Jessie McDonald said she saw Ira Wolf at the Root Note and you would love her.  She was right.  I truly haven't seen Ira as often as I would like, but I follow her and sometimes pray a little for her.  She's a very honest woman who has struggled at times with life, but when she puts the words into song, it's gold.

The last time her it was at Storyhill Fest, which was documented here in edition no. 97; where she shared some great intimate songs about her recent engagement being cancelled.  She definitely had me waiting for her "Breakup Album."  Well she released a single off of it; and while sometimes I wait to buy the full album, this is Ira and love when she's singing in the library.

While I understand who her Ex was, but I didn't know him well.  Ira captures the stress of a relationship.

Maybe it was naive, letting myself believe
I was your long lost missing piece

You told me to be myself when you knew full well
You wanted something else from me

But your love wasn’t big enough
Not for the both of us

So I hope you find less
That’s what you wanted
You asked for my best
And darling you got it

Of course it makes me want to hug her, but at least what I can do is brush off my Monday Morning Song and share it especially since I took a month off while working on the Great River Folk Fest Songwriter Contest.

She did post a live recording of the song, which nicely contrasts with the perfectly mixed studio offering.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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