DBT #220 Slow Down & Listen


Ok it's Friday and I'm thinking what playlist should I share on Saturday.  Well how about a glimpse into my world.  I've added over 8 hours of music to the library since May 1st and add that to the other music that hasn't been listened to from March and April and you can tell GUILT of not listening is creeping in.

So I made this New Stuff to Listen to playlist and will be keeping it active on my phone.  Yes it is over 3 hours long, but one good drive to LaCrosse and back is an hour, and don't get me started on how long I can putz outside in the yard.

Here's the song list of new digital purchases, contributed CD's and songs from agents, and yes of course vinyl and cd imports to the library.  I sometimes wonder if I imported all my vinyl and cd's would I have only 20,000 more songs in the library?  Since I have 25K in there now it seems small I should get going at that. Yes Apple Music is telling my that my library is 66 (24 hour) days of music.  Since a person could maybe reasonably listen to 8 hours in a day, that would be 198 days of music.  Yikes.

Meanwhile, a few of these songs have been featured in other playlists, and may end up being Monday Morning Songs; and I'm not going to even try to give you a playlist of all the songs.

I can tell you the list includes:

Good Lovelies who started this by releasing a single, and when these ladies sing, I need to add them to my library.  You should think about starting your lovely collection too:

Caitlin Cannon who was pitched for a house concert and the agent sent three songs.  I recently gave them more attention; and I love them as good new country. I wish she had her music in Bandcamp.

Steve Goodman, and his Say it Private vinyl that I just added to the library.  Never remembered hearing this great song penned with John Prine's help.  He was so cute solo:

But the studio version has Pete Seeger on banjo and part of the choir, so it's a must to hear that:

D.C. Anderson gifted me with his entire music library and I'm starting to feast on his unique and fun songwriting.  I'm not sure what to share of his, but when I saw this video in his page; it felt appropriate:

Yes Tom T Hall that smooth country voice has a song "May the Force bey with you always" ... I had no idea he was a Star Wars junkie.  Found it on a recent used vinyl purchase.

I might come back and add a few more videos to this playlist; but for now I think I'll stop typing and go listen to some music.

Until then the next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.

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