DBT #231 Monday Morning Song - Vampire Girl -GMB


Oh my Good Morning Bedlam can be described as head banging folk, but the energy they harness is incredible.  Their writing under the surface is also top notch and has a pop sense.  When they took on vampires they sunk their teeth into it.  Super happy that I had a chance to see them at the Great River Folk Fest last weekend, and yes there will be a wrap up post on the fest too and I got some great video memories too.

Plus you get an awesome video.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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