DBT #238 Monday Morning Song - The Bears Still Suck


Oh besides music, I watch Packer football religiously, and I grew up in Manitowoc a mere 45 minute drive to Green Bay.  Notoriously the Illinois plates on cars were pegged as rich tourists driving through town and clogging and speeding on the roads to get to their cottages in Door County.  It fed the rivalry with the Bears.  Even Charlie Berens understood this and put it nicely into his Manitowoc Minute character.

Since I watched from a young age, I started paying attention after Super Bowl two, so a lot of lean years.  Once I listened on the radio while the Bears drubbed us 63-10 and listened to the whole game.  Dang Walter Payton was good. So the fact that the last 30 years with Favre and Rodgers I've enjoyed immensely the rivalry flipping and now we've won more than the Bears.  Aaron did scream at the fans, "I still own you" and this year the keys have been passed to Jordan.  He did a mighty fine job after all the Bear groups I follow have been teasing that we had the worst QB in the division.

So let's enjoy a song written in MANITOWOC, by the same guy that wrote the song Dave Mason made popular "We just disagree"  Yes Jim Krueger, and he played with Dave too and is on many albums and singles. (Check out the list here)  After he left CA and returned home he started "The Happy Schnapps Combo" a rock polka parody group with his brother and even Bill Soucy who I hung around with for a while.  Once his wife hit on me by reaching into my pocket for my lighter.  Yes, he eventually wrote the song, "The Gosh Darn Wife Ain't Home Again" and they were divorced.  Jim had issues with drinking too much which likely lead to his early departure, but the band and the song lives on.  I'm sure you can find the first CD somewhere if you try, (three for sale in Discogs as I post) I have it but won't give it up.  It's filled with outstanding songs so rich in Manitowoc lore; Blatz and Sauerkraut, Com'ere Once, and of course Fleet Farm (a love song).

Here are a two videos to enjoy:

Yes here's the 2017 version of the band playing at Lambeau Field.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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