DBT #251 Monday Morning Song - I Remember Everything - John Prine


Last night we saw a wonderful musician and a friend of a friend, Eliza Edens play at a new house concert series in the area, the Comfortably Lost Shed Shows.  She closed the night with a cover of John Prine's last released song.  I forget who wonderful it is, and I'm glad for the reminder.

I’ve been down this road before
I remember every tree
Every single blade of grass
Holds a special place for me
And I remember every town
And every hotel room
And every song I ever sang
On a guitar out of tune

I remember everything
Things I can’t forget
The way you turned and smiled on me
On the night that we first met
And I remember every night
Your ocean eyes of blue
How I miss you in the morning light
Like roses miss the dew

I’ve been down this road before
Alone as I can be
Careful not to let my past
Go sneaking up on me
Got no future in my happiness
Though regrets are very few
Sometimes a little tenderness
Was the best that I could do

I remember everything
Things I can’t forget
Swimming pools of butterflies
That slipped right through the net
And I remember every night
Your ocean eyes of blue
How I miss you in the morning light
Like roses miss the dew

How I miss you in the morning light
Like roses miss the dew


released June 11, 2020
Produced by Dave Cobb
Written by John Prine & Pat McLaughlin


Plus I also own Brandi's cover.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

Hey maybe you want a one click playlist of Monday Morning Songs, such an eclectic mix of music, Click here and start Mondaying.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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