DBT #295 Boomerang Town - Jaimee Harris

It's been since April 30th that I've dropped a review into Dave's Basement Tracks, but it's not because I haven't been buying and adding music to the library.  In fact I've added 412 songs equalling over 24 hours of music since then.  Ok, before I claim laziness or busyness, let's remind you of my three rules of Review; is it on Bandcamp, have I been listening to it, and do I feel a connection.  With so much music many times the second rule is the toughest; though the Bandcamp rule eliminates many of the top dogs or old vinyl.  Which brings us to today's review; Boomerang Town by Jaimee Harris.  So I knew of Jaimee as Mary Gauthier's partner and had recorded them together at the Rocky Mountain Folks Fest and of course I spelled her name wrong in the video.  (BIG Sorry for that)

I forget who, but a conversation with some artist about the fest had me mentioning Mary and they said "Did you hear Jaimee?, she's good too"  Now if she did a song, I did not record it; and when I saw they listed her separate in the 2024 Moccasin Creek Festival line up, I figured I was going to get a chance.  Oh my the Shady Stage on Saturday continued to impress me and she closed the day.  With her somber songs, her dress in black look was perfect; but you can tell she aspires to a rosy look with those signature red heart sunglasses.  I must have really liked her set because when I came back I found I had three full songs and a minute reel recorded.  Ok let's pause and recap the Saturday, and the snippet of Jaimee was her only Shawn Colvin cover of the day. (Yes we missed the opening song swap and not everyone is in this nearly ten minute recap)  She's on right after Brit pretends to be a dog and Oliver interviews her (about 3:45) ... Loved those two.

On the way home, we went over to listen to Bill Poss's podcast, both Chicago Farmer and Jaimee's episodes.  You can listen here, and what I was impressed with was how personable she was, not that she wasn't on stage but it was seemingly more relaxed.

When I got home, I bought this album released in Feb 2023. (yes remember Good Music has NO Expiration Date and I'm reviewing it 17 months later).  Now it's had 200 plays and in Spotify economics that would have made her $.68 while Bandcamp's price is $10 and she gets about $8.50.  Right; not earth shattering for one purchase but I love that the album in 59 other collections so just over $500.  Yes there are good listeners out there willing to pay the musician for their art.  So go for it, I dare you to buy it too.

Where to start to tell you what I love about this album?  Maybe the title track

1) Boomerang Town

She explains in concert that the town is Waco TX, and while it's a great story of two women in love she doesn't explain if it's true or fictional story; though the drinking family has a tie into her life.  She perfectly recaps the sometimes senseless devotion to religion that has blinders on to the reality of need for passion to the people who need it most.

In August I asked Julie if she’d run away, she said she wanted to wait ‘til May to graduate
She’d be the first in her family, so I stayed behind
Thought she could get a scholarship to college, become a nurse, travel the world
But all that took a backseat when we saw those double lines

After her shift she lights a smoke up on the bridge, under the billboard painted “Jesus Lives”
Julie steps over the rail, thinks about salvation
The sun arrives and collides with the steeple, casts a shadow over God’s most desperate people
Julie takes it as a sign, lets go, and starts flyin’

Now I'm not trying to tell the world she's a lesbian folk singer; and it doesn't make a difference, but she shared this for pride month.

Here she is solo doing the song; and yes how she sounded on the stage; less the glasses.

2) Sam's 

A song about about a bar and the lack of remembering after you sober up.  Yes Jaimee is now sober for a long time.  The sparse arrangement with cello and a hollow harmonica as accents allows you listen to the story.

An intense official video:

3) How Could You be Gone

Ok now we're at a funeral, yes I said this was a somber album.

We all hang our heads to pray, the preacher tells us what to say
I don’t know what I believe, I just know I have to leave
I walk alone back to my car, I go before the goodbyes start
I have always been this way, you were the only one who could make me stay

4) The Fair and Dark Haired Lad

Live she explained this is a metaphor for the addiction devil; and it's one of my favorite songs.

And I had a chance to record it with Oliver Steck adding an impromptu trumpet solo.  My assumption is the Dirk she talks about in the introduction is Dirk Powell who plays the accordion on the studio version.

5) On the Surface

Friendships can run deep and what do we see on the surface?

6) Good Morning my Love

Ah a sweet happy song.

Yes I had a chance to record this song too.

7) Like You

Another understated love song with a great simple chorus.

8) Fall (Devin's Song)

Ok most times sad songs about suicide are not one a person revisits because it's too painful.  Jaimee writes such a great story that seemingly has hope.

9) Love's is Gonna Come Again

Jaimee talked on stage about how a friend helped her develop this great chorus in a song about grief.

I know it hurts like hell right now and only you know how
No one can tell you when
Oh, but love is gonna come again

Yes there is an official video, but these solo ones are still my favorite.  Boy it sometimes sounds like just a totally classic country song.

10) Missing Someone

I love the fun groove to end the album.  It's even kind of happy too.  My favorite lines because I've been there:

Work’s piled up, dishes ain’t done
I’ve been stuck on the telephone
Ain’t been sleeping in my bed, I’d rather be in yours instead
Guess I’ve come a little undone
I’m just missing, I’m just missing someone

EXTRA BONUS: I subscribed to Jaimee's email list and she sent me a free download of "Tattoo Zoo" she wrote on a songwriting trip through Florida.  It's one of my most listened to songs in her mix here she is playing it at Moccasin Creek Festival.

My journey is not done learning more about Jaimee's music.  I'm listening to Mother Banjo's Back Catalog show with her, and around the 40 minute mark you'll find out how she ended up starting to wear red heart sunglasses.   Plus I found out from the show that this album has a video for every song and has a playlist of the album in video form. (Click here to watch it and yes I added a few more to the post) I of course put "Red Rescue" on my want list.

Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
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- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
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