DBT #296 Monday Morning Song - Annie's Place - Jess Klein

One of the songs that really gets me going whenever I hear it is Annie's Place by Jess Klein; so I was thinking I need to dust off my Monday Morning Song.  Ok why?  Let's look at the chorus: 

In a world of blurry lines

Broken rules and then dimes

Somehow you still held an Ace

Cause you could work it out

with a little bit of Wine

Mondays at Annie's Place

Yes... MONDAY's is in the song, and for me it's 10:42 as I write.  With retirement I work out weekends all the time on Monday.

Second, just the idea that Jess introduces it as a place to crash for musicians is what I hear all the time from my musician friends; the beauty of the road is really crashing at friends.

Then there is the fact I wrote a song that had Linda's place in the chorus too;  mine also was upbeat and positive about life in the middle of stress. (listen to it here)

Escape from the rat race, Take a left on Chase street, They're serving denim and lace, At Linda's place. They're serving denim and lace, At Linda's place.

Finally, Jess nails the melody, such a nice little rocker.  Yes I've only owned the song for a month and I've listened to that song over TWO hours alone.  Just this weekend I made a places playlist out of new material to the library.  It's perfect to pick raspberries by and yes I make more playlist than I post to this blog.

So I bet you want to hear the song?  Listen and buy it on Bandcamp here:

Here's her official video:

A stripped down acoustic version I taped at SERFA:

Of course we saw her at Moccasin Creek Festival and she played on the Main Stage with the Greg Klyma Trio.  She really slayed the night.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

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