DBT #325 Merry Christmas 2024

Making Christmas playlists and burning cd's of it was one of my gifts back to my associates that worked for me; and while I have never posted a DBT playlist on the subject until this one, I really didn't become a scrooge.  It is a trifecta of influences, a wonderful snow bound day, yesterday I was just adding my Christmas CDs to my Discog collection, and I gifted and was gifted two wonderful seasonal songs.  For our picture today, I thought it should be our tree in the living room, but as I sent it to my phone to the iMac, I found I sent only the tree in a clipping path.  Well then I had to try the Photoshop AI background generation; and wow I wish I lived there.

Before the music here are the other variations Photoshop gave me.

Ok, here's the original.

Now the music!

1) The Ditchling Carol - Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer

I saw this song added to Bandcamp, and I love and miss these two. I remember to this day people at the Great River Folk Fest were in shock the day that Dave passed away.  I bought this quickly and gifted it to David Enge who had recently sent me a beautiful Xmas song.

2) Baby It's Cold Outside -The Brian Setzer Orchestra Feat. Ann-Margret

"Boogie Woogie Christmas" was one of the cd's I filed into Discogs, and it needed a few cuts in the library.  Now this song wasn't available in YouTube, so Lady Gaga a fun replacement, and it's turned around like it should be.  Plus there's Kermit?!

3) Santa Claus Got the Blues - The Drifters

"Rhythm & Blues Christmas" another stash find.  Always loved The Drifters

4) Light of the Stable (feat. Jared Tyler) - Jaimee Harris

Thank you again David Enge, you are a patron saint of the blog.

5) Hang A String Of Lights - Great Lake Swimmers

From a 2012 Paste Christmas sampler, but I found it other places in Bandcamp but not YouTube so it won't be on the end playlist.

6) Under the Tree - Good Lovelies

This "Winter's Calling" album is wonderful and has an all time favorite "Song for a Winter's Night" but instead I loved the idea of following hanging lights under the tree.  That's where our cats think they belong.

7) Do Not Be Afraid - Carolyn Arends

It's not Christmas unless Carolyn is being played around the house, and of course in this playlist.  The question is what song?  This is such a gentle telling of the manager story.

That Gabriel had come
Opened her heart to hear
"You are the chosen one
And do not be afraid
Do not be afraid
Love has found its way to you
So do not be afraid"

Yikes... two iPhones... must have been a Covid Christmas, but a very nice stripped down version.

8) It Was a Holy Night - Carolyn Arends

Carolyn has such a nice was of re-telling the oldest of stories.  Love the acoustic mandolins and fiddles in the mix; they would be in my manager scene too. She aced the chorus:

I think he cried the way that babies do
I think his mama might have cried a little too
I bet you Joseph didnā€™t have a clue what to do
He was new at fatherhood
So I donā€™t think it was a silent night
I kind of doubt that all was calm that night
But there were those who heard about a light
Saw the sight and they understood
It was a holy ā€¦ It was a holy
It was a holy night

9) One Last Wish for Christmas - Sofia Talvik

Sofia has a habit of putting out a Christmas song, this one from her 2017 album fit nicely.

Now I didn't pick this because of this beautiful video, but I'm lucky I did.

10) Bulking up for Winter - Randy Sabien

Boy I resemble this song, boy I eat to much for dinner every day and not just on Thanksgiving.

11) Maybe By Next Christmas - Allison Young and Carson McKee

I need more Allison Young in my playlists....

12) Christmas Whiskey - Walt Wilkins

Maybe Santa would prefer Whiskey to cookies.  Truly it can be shared with conversations as you gather this year.

Nice to get a live video from a house concert series too.

13) I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - John Prine

Nope not his hit for Xmas, but hang in there.

14) Christmas in Prison - Carsie Blanton

I got a simple guitar vocal John Prine cover by Carsie through her Patreon page, and so I figured it wasn't available, and these two were a good replacement for you to get a same kind of feel.

15) Happy Christmas (War Is Over) - The Whiskeybelles

There was no doubt that the belles would show up, and this was a song I wanted to end the playlist with, so here we go, "Two Birds for Christmas"

Yes here's your ONE - Click YouTube Playlist Christmas gift.

Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.

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