DBT #195 Hope Dunbar - You Let The Light In


I believe my friend Lindsey Lee who knows all of the Kerrville New Folk history by the back of his hand, told me to look into Hope Dunbar's music (likely after my Kerrville post); it was either that or one of my many musician friends recommended her.  (Heck as of today we became Facebook friends with 85 mutual friends.)  Either way I picked up "Sweetheartland" in March and "You Let the Light In" in April.  Lori & I drove to Manitowoc for Easter and we definitely had to re-listen to "Iowa Wedding Song" twice to catch all the juicy stuff.  When I went which album to feature that song influenced my decision a little, but I noted that again that I had hovered over this album quite a bit so a deeper dive felt right.  

Hope describes the album, "It's a collection of eleven songs written on commission for fans and friends of mine as part of a reward for 2017 release, "Three Black Crows". It was my second full-length album released in November of 2021  after "Sweetheartland's release in April of that same year.

I describe it as the folkiest and most uplifting of my records thus far and I think that has to do with writing other people's stories. We might be a little harder on our own stories than we are on those of other people. When I hear other people's stories it's so clear to me their big open hearts, their bravery, their willingness to take risks, their deep love for others and for this life and I think those sentiments shine through on this record. "

A browse of her website about gives an insight to her life that she described in her FB page as "I write songs, I dream dreams, I do the laundry"  In rural Nebraska as a wife of two boys married to a Lutheran pastor, she finds times to write and when it came to record albums she heads to Nashville and gets backed with outstanding musicians.

Back to Lindsey Lee who lives in Kerrville would want me to tell you Hope was a finalist in 2018, and Hope said the song "How Beautiful the Tall Oak Tree" on this album got her in.  

I did ask Hope if there had been any reviews made of the album to link, and she said not yet; so we might be the first.  If others review this album I'll edit and add it to this post.  At the bottom of her About page you will find links to press releases on her former albums.

Let's listen to some music:

1) Still the Birds

A nice country rocker that Hope says, "Still the Birds" is about me and Darryl Purpose on tour together in Texas. He loves this song."  Plus he has an album out with the title "Still the Birds"

And all that are familiar with my reviews, if I can find a video of a song from the album that isn't just an audio one, I love to share it.  Plus I love to watch it too, and see someone enjoying (and forgetting) the story of the song.  It must have been a great house concert with her son singing harmonies on some songs.

2) Some Days You're Up, Some Days You're Down

Another country positive groove, and love the diploma is covered in Crayola.  This is one of the songs I noted the hint of Christianity in her songs.  I'm going to guess since these are about friends (possibly Mrs Jamie Utter dedicated in the video) ; she surrounds herself with Saints and Sinners.  

Let's get back to the concert:

3) The House Across the Street

The next track is tastefully dark and bluesy; and it's a hymn to God to help her and empathetically to anyone with their light on across the street.  There are times I hear a song and think, boy I'd love to cover this song... this one is on the list maybe someday if she adds the lyrics into Bandcamp. (I do resemble lazy at times)

Yep... if I cover it.. it'll sound more like this with Tom Waits on vocal.

4) My Darling Dear

Part of what I love about this album is that Hope and her producer Nomad Ovunc do not get pigeon holed into one style of music; this beautiful song written in remembrance of a her friend Brad's loss of his wife has a wonderful Celtic feel.  I didn't push Hope for a name behind each song but I did ask what the journey was like, if each had a prompt and if she had only satisfied customers.  Ha, she said she loved writing these eleven songs, but they were much more effort than she expected and she would recommend charging more than $125 each for anyone thinking about doing it in a Kickstarter.  Also one client pushed the song back and asked her to try again which she did and they were happy, but most were filled with joyous tears after the first listen.  Some did give her prompts to work with, more as we venture to the next songs.

I have failed to mention that with this release again I hit my mission of the blog, "Good Music Has NO Expiration Date".... not only was the album released some 17-18 months ago, but this video documented the song back FOUR Years ago.  Who ever heard the Celtic sound in the song for the recording, well done, well done.

5) Don't Give Up

If Hope thinks this her most folky album, I find this song would be at home in the 70's with it's great chorus and then the way she gets into the Biblical references I put this right next to my favorite Christian artist Carolyn Arends.  This song was commissioned for teenage friends by their parents. 

Let's go back to December house concert her friend Brad took all these great videos, and if you would rather have Hope singing it solo, click here.

6) So Is My Love For You

Hope was teasing that she doesn't write too many love songs, funny this is one but it sure comes with a minor key.  I love the accordion used in the mix, and I'm not reading anything in a songwriter not writing love songs; I know many who don't yet they exude love and passion for people.  I sense that's how I would read Hope as well.

Back to her songwriter corner of the house.

7) You Let the Light In

The title track has such a fun groove with an awesome vocal arrangement.  Hope takes you on another emotional journey between friends, and it's the ear worm of chorus that will bring you back.

Her concert took the song to a string band sound with Hope on five string banjo.

8) Iowa Wedding Song

This brings me to why I believe I picked this album.  In one way it reminded me of how I listened to Dylan's "Lilly, Rosemary &  Jack of Hearts" because I didn't want to miss any juicy parts of the story.  Of course this song is not that complex, and is really based on a true story (names changed) that the requestor gave her the story.  Ok songwriters can you relate, this one was her toughest to write to get the details and make fun to listen to with again another great chorus.  The hand clap rhythm section was genius, and Hope uses a story telling style for the verses.  The arrangement that brings in familiar melodies to make you smile and accentuates the story; really catches your attention IMMEDIATELY.

Of course throw out most of what I wrote about the arrangement, her concert video is so much like Susan Werner singing you a story; so it's a great contrast.

9) How Beautiful the Oak Tree

I nice lyric song, no wonder it had Kerrville judges take note.

Same concert, a different perspective.

10) That's What Love Does

One of the first songs I remember hearing the piano lead you into the song.  A soft landing for nearing the end of the album, and of course I love the dancing description.  I've use a few some of my favorite songs that I've written to, of course her's are better.

11) The Story of Us

Such a fitting ender, and has everyone convinced that it's about Hope and her husband, but while he was there during those college days it's about a dear friend.  That's almost even more touching, this one is worth listening to again a few times; yep pretty sure they embrace being Saints and Sinners and filled their lives with stories to last forever.

Here's your one click YouTube Playlist of these songs:

I hope you find a few songs in this review that become part of your life as well as they were part of life of people they were written for.  Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
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