DBT #313 Vote of Redemption


I knew Election Day 2024 needed a playlist, and I looked at my new music and Danni Nicholls was first; so I went to the song she says she ends every gig with "A Little Redemption" and that seemed to fit; but first what is redemption?

Yes if you have followed my blog much you might understand I have much more empathy to the plight of immigrants and all people of color and sexual orientation than the weird orange one running for President.(I still think my Immigrant playlist is one of my favorites.)  So suffice to say, "Lord please save us from the Evil that would happen if Trump wins." Yes I'm a Christian and very happy to vote for Harris as she helps the poor and middle class, while Trump wants to grease the palms of his rich buddies.

This playlist again brings me to the depths of my library and I could have gone deeper in my Discogs library but when I hit a dozen I thought it looked pretty good and diverse.  (We'll see what we'll find in Bandcamp and YouTube)

1) A Little Redemption - Danni Nicholls

Yes I have gone back and added this song to my wake's playlist.  Right now we need:

A little more kindness
A little less creed
A little more giving
A little less greed
A little more smile
A little less frown
A little less kicking
A man when he’s down

Here's how Danni sounded in my own living room.

2) Redeeming Love - Amy Stroup

Ah a free Noisetrade download from 2011, I will pay her back and buy some of her music since she's in BC.  And yes, we need some redeeming love between neighbors.

13 year old video and yes "Good Music has NO Expiration Date"

3) Save Yourself - James McMurtry

I wish I could do it by myself.  As a Christian I know all I need is Jesus's saving, but as a country we need each other, so vote.  Yes James sometimes it keeps me up late at night.

4) Saved by Love - Daniel Elixir

A great writer I've met through the GRFF songwriting contest, this song wasn't available in YouTube.  Love does save.

5) Saved - Marykate O'Neil

Not sure how I got this 2008 album in the library, but I'm going to keep pursuing adding her to the library, she is described as quirky, and I love quirky.

6) To Be Redeemed - Dave Perkins

Again I'm not why I have this song from the movie Deadline in the library, but I had shared it with my buddy at church a while back.  Yes you need a good Christian song in the playlist too.  I couldn't find the soundtrack video, but this is great.  Yes we need to be redeemed from the King wannabe this side of Washington DC.

7) New Redemption Song - Over the Rhine

Ah a sweet new hymn.

8) Redemption Blues - Carsie Blanton 

What voting playlist would be complete without a voice of my favorite revolutionary.  This is from an album she has taken off of her Bandcamp page for some reason? Hang in there until the end she has a really fun tag song at about 3:07.

9) My Redemption Song - Emily Rose

I'm so lucky I got to meet Emily at FARM a while back, she's a sweetheart and she really doesn't need total forgiveness, we are all Saints and Sinners.

10) Matters of Love - Chad Elliott and the Redemptions

Right, give it up for the Redemptions, and it is truly all about love that matters.

11) Saved - The Commitments

Yes.. this playlist needs a shot of saving energy; and why not from one of my top ten fucking favorite movies. Yep I used to smoke, but I still drink; I need saving.  (btw the f word is appropriate if you have ever seen the movie)

12) A Little Redemption - Danni Nicholls 

I wanted to end this playlist like Danni likes to end her gigs.  I didn't take a video of her doing this song, but I did get one of her last Friday.  She did recently released a 2015 acoustic album that is really how she sounded in the living room.

A little more dreaming
A little less nightmare
A little more peace
A little less warfare
A little more tolerance
Love is love
A little redemption
For everyone of us
A little redemption
For everyone of us

And just in case you didn't believe me that I got to listen and know this angel over the last few weeks, here's evidence.

Here's the coffee cup I choose today, my mantra for voting today.

Yes I have your one click playlist available here:

Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.

If you use Facebook, we have a page that will help you remember to read the next post.

You could always decide to feed my music addiction and donate to the cause.  If you did, I will spend it only on music and even will buy the music you recommend if you tell me to.  Here's a Paypal donate button

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