DBT #319 & (the ampersand)

Songwriters love contrast and putting things together, as is the case with a new favorite song Tea & Whiskey by Kelley Smith.  That song made me wonder about a playlist with songs with the ampersand.  Really found a lot and I used the playlist to mix some all time favorites with many songs that needed more plays.  So here we go:

1) Men of the Blue & Grey - Kelly Hunt

I didn't know that Kelly had an earlier album, but when we saw her up at the Big River Theatre in Alma I found another one "Even The Sparrow"   Kelly describes in this video as saying goodbye in a lullaby. (yes it will start mid video because there are two songs in the live performance.)

2) Tea & Whiskey - Kelley Smith

As mentioned before, a great song about contrasting lovers.  (Now some might complain that the song is written as and, but I think of it as & for my playlist)

We'll make a bed on the moon.
Grow a garden.
And set a table for two.
We'll come and go as we please.
There's no demandin'.
Just you and me, tea and whiskey.

Here you get to see how mighty fine she is picking that guitar too.

3) Map & No Direction - Beth Bombara

Yes, I had a chance to see these first three women in concert within72 hours, and by the luck of the search I even found two songs by Beth.  (Of course to see the videos I took of them stop over to the Around Town YouTube playlist)

Beth usually fronts for a great band like in this awesome video, but I first met her solo at FARM about 1:00 in the morning.

4) U & i - Lojo Russo

Keeping it recent, Lojo just played our house concert series in October, and here's a nice gentle love song.

5) Misery & Happiness - Susan Werner

Yes the master songwriter of course hits a large contrast.

6) Accident & Emergency - Lucy Wainwright Roche

Oh my such a gentle Roches style song with the interplay of two guitars and two voices.  No it wasn't an accident it was such tight mix.  (for those who rely on the YouTube playlist at the end, this song isn't out in YT)

7) Egg & Daughter Nite, Lincoln Nebraska, 1967 (Crazy Bone) - John Prine

I think of this song named Crazy Bone, but John got the inspiration to write the song I've read by verse two thus it was named after it.

Of course you need to see the animated John.

8) The Coyote & The Cowboy - Ian Tyson

Always looking for a reason to listen to some of Ian's cowboy story songs.

9) Dollar Stores & Strip Malls - Molly Brandt

Yes following a song over ten years old to one released this year.  Molly is a rising Americana star up in the Twin Cities.

Oh my I do need more of her solo acoustic though.

10) Books & Records - Adeem the Artist

Oh this is so true, and again I'm thankful to get Adeem into the playlist.

We've been selling off our books and records,
instruments our grandparents played
We've been selling off our books and records,
but we're gonna buy them back some day

I found this awesome video posted by Paste Magazine of Adeem with just two more instruments.

11) Farms & Factories - Chicago Farmer & the Fieldnotes

You got to just love Cody and the boys - this video is live from a distance, but the sound is crisp so it must be from the sound board.

12) Black & White - Cassie Boettcher

Love the stark contrast between songs, let Cassie walk you down the lane with a little jazzy ditty; and I see a lot of grays.

Oh my this five year old live video needs more love than 112 views.

13) Blood & Alcohol - Chain of Lakes

You know I love the theme, and that I had a lot of songs to pick from when I crest over 12 songs in the playlist.  I just don't listen enough to this wonderful musician; especially his 2018 back catalog release.

14) Bill & Annie - Chuck Brodsky

The master storyteller in he describes:

For Bill the Peach Man who used to sell his Fredericksburg TX peaches for a few years by the side of the road outside the Kerrville Folk Festival until the cops ran him off.


We stopped for peaches at a little roadside stand
Man said his name was Bill, I said ā€œIā€™m Chuck and this is Annieā€
He said Annie was the one & only true love of his life
They met at his wedding but by then he had a wife... and the rest of the story you need to listen to the song or visit.

15) The Ballad of Sissy & Porter - The Whitmore Sisters

One of the first reviews I posted was on the sisters "Ghost Stories" and this is likely somewhat autobiographical, and a kick ass song.

Oh my, since my review they added this video of them doing is acoustic... hot damn I love these two; and yes I'll edit the review to have it in there too.

16) Pots & Pans - Beth Bombara

One more Beth song?  Yes, I could eliminate Maps for this one... oh oh this one is driving me crazy it's so much fun.

Plus a great studio version so close to the studio release.  Of course you got to love a 2010 release, remember the blog's motto, good music has NO expiration date... just waits for you to discover it again.

Here's your One Click playlist

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- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
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- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
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