DBT #333 So I'm Old


So where do I start?  The knees that talk back, the chording pinky that refuses to go where I will it, the skin spots, the growing balding spot (I can't see it but Lori likes to tell me about it) and that a tooth needs a friggin' second root canal.  Yes I have weathered parts, but I'm younger than all that.  Recently I've been taking time to add releases to Discogs when I have it in my library and they don't have it in theirs.  Lori (my wife) reminds me that the guest bathroom ceiling needs to be updated; but I'm finding it fun to have friends more connected in the largest music library.  That brings me to the playlist, of course.  I added Leela and Ellie Grace's rookie release and loved that I found out that "You're Aging Well" was written by Dar Williams.  Yep a playlist formed right there.

1) You're Aging Well - Leela & Ellie Grace

As I went to find this in YouTube, I noted Joan Baez covered it too.

2) When I Grow Too Old To Dream - Nat King Cole Trio

Oh I found this Northern Exposure cd while I was putzing around, and had to import a few songs from it.  Boy I had the hots for Maggie, but who didn't.  BTW... I'm not too old yet not to dream.

3) My Back Pages - Bob Dylan

Yes after the movie I added "Another Side of Bob Dylan" to the library.  I've always found this song so ironic from the puppy he was.  So many covers and live videos later... let's just pause and listen to the studio version.  Yes they made songs with just a voice and guitar back then, but we're all much older than that now.

4) I May Never - Uncle Earl

If you haven't guess by now, I'm scrolling through the most recent additions and looking for a title connections.  I may never do this playlist again, or maybe I will?

5) I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan

Though I used to tell people as they left WinCraft, if you see me in a store "Introduce yourself to me, I won't remember you"  There are a few, and I hope I am one to many who will be remembered.  I actually don't remember how Sarah's cd got into the library but I do appreciate the fact that this song is now in my digital library.

6) Hairy Ass Hillbillies - Jerry Jeff Walker

Old and hairy hippy, yes a recent vinyl import.  Ok, I'm not that hairy.

7) When My Last Song Is Sung - Merle Haggard

I recently bought this vinyl in Michael Tyler's collection.  Perfect time to remind you I do have a wake playlist posted in DBT When I Leave #169

8) Cruising In The Right Hand Lane - Jerry Rau

Oh boy this song is such a perfect fit for me and a few old farts I know that I had to add it to YouTube for you to listen to it.  I hope you find time to enjoy the scenery from the right lane.

9) Hank Senior Moment - John Gorka

Never have I had these that I can remember; but I remembered John did a great old song.

10) When I Grow Up - John McCutcheon

Ok I admit these last few songs were not recent additions but sought out to be in the playlist.  Favorites will be missed but not this trio of songs.  The video show John has aged with a lot of energy.

11) Please Don't Bury Me - John Prine

Sometimes I feel like this in the morning and I DIDN'T die... if I do I can't wait to see John and Steve Goodman.

12) I Bid You Goodnight - Happy & Artie Traum

Ok so this was a recent import from old vinyl, but I find it a fitting way to say goodbye.  If we never meet again, I bid you the best.  Oh yeah and kiss my ass goodbye.. (thanks John) ... a live cut with them talking  about the album.  It has way more audience fun not to share it.

Here's your One Click playlist.

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