DBT #351 25th Anniversary to 2000 Music V1
I hope you had a chance to read/listen to Volume 2 Edition 345 and it brought back memories and maybe inspired you to make your own playlist of favorites. So I went backward in these posts, this playlist was the first one I made back in 2024 so you might figure these songs meant a touch more than the other 25 songs. Let's get started and see what gold we find in the list.
1) American Song - Will Hoppey
Boy I've loved this song for a long time since I bought in iTunes back in 2006.
2) Still The Night - The Paperboys
My buddy Tim Kolek introduced me to the Bodeans, and our Rose River band would cover this song; but not in a Zydeco style. Love the innovativeness of the Tom Landa and the gang he surrounds himself with (yes it changes at fiddle way too much).
3) Woman at the Well - Sufjan Stevens
I've always that Sufjan was a young musician creating the most creative mixes, some ha almost unlistenable to me. Yes he's not really too young anymore, and I still should get more music of his in the library. Paste Magazine introduced me to his music, and I guess this song is somewhat rare because it was only on, "8.21 A Blue Bunny Compilation by Paste"
4) Little Birdie - Steve Young
For some reason I bought this song from his "Primal Young" album, and now I'm thinking if I run into it in Discogs I'll pick up the whole cd. Yes he's the guy who wrote "Seven Bridges Road".
5) Another Town - Steve Earle
Yes... again another single from a pretty important album from Steve, so now "Transcendental Blues" is on my Discogs want list. Ok the studio version is a touch better, but let's see Steve when he was such a pup and started to grow his goatee.
6) I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow - The Soggy Bottom Boys
25 years since that movie was released... yikes, boy I need to watch it again. Right, you knew if I could find a movie clip that's what will be here, and here you go. Now if we could put our racist orange one on a rail and get him out of here too.
7) Transit - Richard Shindell
Another favorite song, and while there is a great solo video a first time listener should experience the studio version the mix is awesome with I imagine is a bouzouki for the melodic texture.
8) It's My Job - Michael Johnson
And he's good at yet.
9) Down a Gravel Road - Johnsmith
I think I've walked the same road in Trempealeau where I bet he really got his inspiration near home. Ha.. ok maybe it was in Oklahoma too. There is a studio version in YouTube, but you know my love for house concerts.
10) Talkin' At the Same Time - Lou & Peter Berryman
Staying in Wisconsin, the legendary whit of the Berryman's. Funny the song was recorded and released from a house concert, but here's a live cut and they both sound the same, ok the album doesn't have the wind effects.
11) The Last Laugh - Mark Knopfler Feat. Van Morrison
"Sailing to Philadelphia" is one of my top favorite albums of Mark's, so I'm glad I could have the second volume to have the title track. Here's a weird fan video that has a picture of Taylor Swift? Oh well mostly it's a very cool video, and it's an awesome song.
12) Uncle Dave's Grace - Herdman Hills And Mangsen
Ah Peter & Lou show up again, this time as composers of the song. If you would like to hear them sing it, it was on the same album as track 10 above.
13) Gone - John Hiatt
I picked up "Crossing Muddy Waters" recently and it's a wonderful album.
14) The Birches of Moscow - Eric Folkerth
My digital friend who is unfortunately a Dallas Cowboys fan. While I don't usually put an eight minute song in my playlists, I love the feel of this song, and even if you don't listen so closely you'll hear beautiful words blended together for a long walk through a forest.
15) My Antonia - Emmylou Harris
Oh I love this red dirt girl, and so does the maker of this fan video.
16) Diamond Joe - Ed Trickett
Ed is a folk legend from New England, and here's a great song with a hammer dulcimer; and my first song that isn't on YouTube so this quick video will fix that.
17) Happytown (All Right with Me) - Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer
I can't listen to one of their tunes and not say that Dave died way too young, and also it could have been a rumor but since Tracy wasn't married to him, she was deprived of a true love plus many death benefits like social security etc. Right living together is cool but the law smiles on married people, so think about that sometimes.
18) Long Time Gone - Darrell Scott & Tim O'Brien
When these two get together, take notice. I had a wonderful chance to meet and listen to them at the Great River Folk Fest as chair person for my first year.
19) Things Have Changed - Bob Dylan
Leave it to Dylan to follow up his Times are a Changing many years later. Yep Bob things have changed from the 60's. Funny at times he looks like Adam Sandler in this video.
20) Southern Girl - Christine Kane
Dang I miss her putting out new music. I absolutely love her dawg verse, and how that lady's breasts look like. Ha, I just might could just go on home.
21) Bonehead Merkle - Chuck Brodsky
Right, this list is an excuse to put some of my favorite songs. Chuck's true story is incredible ballad. Yep I know the ending and I still listen until the end.
22) Ghost Towns - Bill Staines
2000 still had Bill Staines putting out new music, I think he might be the only artist that is in both my 50th Anniversary to 1975 and 25th Anniversary to 2000.
23) Daddy's Hands - Andrea Esquivel
What a wonderful cover of a song that was a family karaoke tradition.
24) Back To Me - Amileigha Blue
Not sure she and this fine country song got into the library, but now she fronts a band out of Milwaukee name Rebel Grace. I hope the band covers this song in their sets.
25) Señorita With A Necklace Of Tears - Paul Simon
Ok Paul joins Bill as alum of both Anniversary playlist. This is a really great song and album that I don't listen to enough.
Here's your One-Click YouTube Playlist:
Well that was fun, I hope you take a chance to do the same with your library of music. Share it with me if you do. Here's a link to Volume Two.
Next steps:
- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.
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