The Vinyl Onion Facebook group inspired this playlist by asking a question, what's my favorite soundtrack song... I was quick to say the song that was my only Taylor Swift song in the library for over ten years, "Safe & Sound" which I probably bought as much for Civil Wars than anything else. Taylor does the heavy lifting in the song and it always has made me crave her do album with this type of mix; how about a Civil Wars reunion. Of course searching Soundtrack gave me many songs to pick from without even going to the backroom only once.
Here we go:
1) Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift w/The Civil Wars.
Of course this version is even more stripped back, and the way I love to hear the Civil Wars. I'm so thankful for a fan video.
2) Circle of Life - Carmen Twillie & Lebo M.
Disney has some great music, and only one made the playlist and it's a good one. This incredible live cut is a little different, but it's so cool.
3) Billy 1 - Los Lobos
This favorite has been in the blog before; maybe someday I some watch "I'm Not There" and possibly buy the whole cd since I only bought 5 songs from the 2 cd set. I have finally bought the Pat Garret album that the song comes from.
4) The Death of Queen Jane - Oscar Isaac
I recently shared "500 Miles" from the movie, here's a spoiler... he doesn't get the gig after this great cover of the traditional song. The video cuts the song from 3:58 to 2:59; yep
5) Opal's Blues - The Be Good Tanyas
I was surprised that this was a movie soundtrack song. I've loved it for a long time, since it was released in 2005.
6) The Ghost of Tom Joad - Bruce Springsteen
I really don't know much about "The People Speak" movie but the album is incredible, highly recommend it.
7) Long Time Gone - The Civil Wars & T Bone Burnett
Right, I so miss the The Civil Wars; another movie I should watch and the links are in the video's description. Plus it was the only song I bought from the album, you know I should fix that since I need new music from the The Civil Wars and well then there is the legend T Bone.
8) One More Cup of Coffee - Calexico & Roger McGuinn
I've probably said this before but I really never appreciated this Dylan song until I heard this version.
9) Down In Mexico - The Coasters
Ok, I never seen the setup to this infamous lap dance. While you could fast forward to 4:30, I would watch all 7 minutes of this clip. Right spicy.
10) Thinking About You - Fred Eaglesmith
Another great song from a film "Broken Bridges" that I haven't seen. Ha, another one I just have one song from, but I'll pass on adding anymore Toby Keith to the library.
11) Coyotes - Don Edwards
"Grizzly Man" sounds like a fun movie, and adding the cowboy singer legend is always a good thing. There are videos that cleaner of the extra movie vocal; but I love the scenery too much not to share.
12) Finale & Jurassic Park Theme - John Williams
I only have the Lost World CD so to get the infamous theme I had to pick the finale. For you all; how about the theme and the first time you hear it and see the dinosaurs. "You crazy son of a bitch you did it"
Right, I didn't venture into the library to get more Star Wars, Godfather, Titanic, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Daisy Jane, Love Story, Tommy, and more. Plus I passed on adding two movies that I add to a lot of playlists O Brother and Wild Rose. So expect a sequel to this playlist. Hey movies need a one click playlist, right?
Next steps:
- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
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- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
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