DBT #243 Monday Morning Song "Cedar Street" by Andrea Von Kampen


Last week I got a commission gift card from people using my code at Blue Water detergent strips (read about it in the Mission), and I am committed to buying music with all proceeds.  I've been following Andrea for a while, witnessed by her first mention on this blog was April 2021.  This single was sitting in my wishlist, and I love it for how she approached the song, picked up a street in a college town, and yes it will be a pusher for me to make a Street Playlist which will include a long time favorite Harry Chapin's "Old College Avenue" because it will blend perfectly.  (later update... yes I created playlist Streets Vol 1)

Andrea described the birth of the song:

Cedar Street follows the story of two main characters in the book “Overstory” by Richard Powers. These characters find themselves in the same time and place concerned about the deforestation in North America so they travel out west together to live in the Mimas trees to prevent them from being cut down. The juxtaposition of the upbeat music and the frightening lyrics leads to a tension in the song that reflects the current state of the climate change crisis. While many people are devoting their lives to this problem and feel the impending doom, others are happy to remain blissfully ignorant.

Sadly she only has an audio video of the song on YouTube but when I searched it I ran into her singing the song "Crossing the Bar" that is on my wake list that I posted in "Edition 169 When I Leave"  I just feel you need to also follow her there so here's a second song; just don't tell anyone.  Love her gentle interpretation.

If you say to yourself this is great, but can I listen to more Monday Morning Songs?  Sure, click HERE.

I hope this makes the blog a little more accessible, and you get a chance to find music.  Remember even if these songs might not have been just released, #MusicHasNoExpirationDate it just sits on the shelf into you discover it, taste it, and fall in love with it.

Next steps if you have time:

- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.

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