DBT #350 Will You Go With Me? - Racyne Parker

Ok I know if I wanted to drive up my views on the blog, I would manipulate it by posting reviews religiously one, two or three times a week.  I would mostly get fans, but of course I would promote music.  My review rules though are pretty clear, first it needs to be on Bandcamp, second, so importantly, am I listening to it,  and finally do I feel a connection to the artist.  (Come on folks, that's really when we become human)  No the last one isn't about a money transfer; but these three tests make my reviews personal even if I have never sat down and shared a meal with the artist. Mostly if I'm not listening to the album why should you; and it's not that I don't like everyone, it's I don't want to promote any music that isn't sinking into my soul, and then there is my love for themed playlists that absorb my music listening time.

Let's get back to reality, I would love to hang out a sign that I'll review all music if you send me your files but that's not me. If someone does give me files, I typically tell you so I maintain my integrity.  Shoot, I even claimed long term income on selling my 70's trading cards while I knew that Trump's insane actions to eliminate IRS agents would mean they would never find me.  But don't worry, I ain't a saint; I had to sit back and say..."am I reviewing this woman because she is incredibly beautiful?"  Well she is but, I'm not and it's really about the connection.  I'll always be transported back to the Rocky Mountain Folks Fest where I first heard Racyne Parker.

Racyne was a RMFF Songwriter Finalist which meant she and the 9 other finalists had two songs on main stage and a song swap session in the Wildflower Pavilion.  If you don't read the posts about the fest, the Wildflower, but it's a great shady listening area and our favorite place to hang at the fest.  Here's the one song I recorded of her at the fest.  Of course, this was a song from her previous EP but I wanted to share with you to let you see why I think she comes across a such a warm country cowgirl and a reason why I started following her.

Well, I did feast on the singles that Racyne put on to Bandcamp (oh I wonder why the back catalog Tumbleweed Town isn't on there), but when she posted about having a debut or rookie vinyl coming out for sale I jumped at it.  Right, currently at 2,685 for the number of vinyls and CD's in the Discogs library.  It was my mission to enter "Will You Go With Me" album into Discogs within two weeks of release; and I just did.  Here's the link!

So let's listen to the album.

Before we get started, I mentioned I'm following her; and she's a great follow.  She posted today about the photography in the album, plus a few other tidbits that seemed perfect for this post.  Right this is an addition after the post's release; so be it; it's my blog.

A1) Most Likely To Be

Racyne captures looking back on graduating high school; and while she is still a pup she nails the process. Ha, maybe it is because she is young enough to remember. I'm sitting now thinking about going back for my 50th High School reunion for the first time since the 5 year reunion, and yep I was a nerdy guy most likely to be an accountant, and I was that for a good portion of my career. 

I love the keyboard and subtle pedal steel in the background, the mix is impeccable.  Note the early release singles have different covers in BC.

Now I went for the official video for the song, but there is a solo video that was a tiny desk submission that is worth it because how it's first heard Racyne.

A2) Summertime Sweet

Racyne writing is the kind of like painting a picture of being outside in summer when your smiling, she brings on the catchy chorus for a dreamsicle kiss.

So I'm guessing that every single released will have these cool official videos.  It is such a sweet sigh of a love song.  Yes for my reviews I like to include live video for each song if it's out there, and if it's released later I'll come back and add it to this post.  (The audio videos out there are not shared because I use the Bandcamp links for those.)

A3) Already Late

If you are starting thinking Racyne has country pop sense, this one confirms it.  Ha, I guess she has my wife's talent of being late, so what in 45+ years it hasn't made a big difference.

That's likely her beau of the last ten years in the video, so guys don't be too disappointed.  They are together in one of her short videos, and they are completely adorable together.

A4) See How Far It Takes Me

A really tight bouncy acoustic song and Racyne again gets another great chorus.

Craving the fast lane, last-minute trains,
A window seat on a jet plane
City lights, starry skies,
Things to help realize
Who I’ve been and who I want to be
Don’t know where this road leads
We’ll see how far it takes me

A5) Willow Tree

It dawns on me as I'm listening to this song, that she packs a lot of words and effortlessly and clearly has you come along to dance around the willow tree; and then she brings you along for a lifetime.

Ok I'm passing the official video to share this solo one.  To me that's the way music sounds in my living room 4 times a year.  Ha.

A6) Get Close w/Andy Sydow

Had a chance to meet Andy at FARM in 2022, he's also a fine songwriter; and he has an interesting blend to Racyne's voice.  I almost had to listen real close to hear who is who in this wonderful pick me up song.  I'm sure this song will get a cool video someday.  

Six songs on Side A, nice.  Time to turn the record over.

B1) I Swear I'm Fine

The piano driven ballad and sparse mix immediately gave me a feel of Taylor Swift's "Folklore"  Yes I consider that a compliment if you didn't know because I love that record of hers.

B2) Make It Out Alive

Love the whistling accent in another country pop cross over, and it's truly worth Taylor Swift covering it? Ha I did try to put the request for Taylor to do a cover album in my Pitch List post, but she'll likely do other pop artists.  I dare you to listen to it and not whistle the hook after the song is done.

It’s time to face the music
Tears laced with excuses

Wasn’t supposed to be me
Running from this prophecy
Good intentions blowing by hell’s road signs
Fell into the depths, thought “no regrets”
How naïve to believe I could make it out alive

B3) Hey, Hi Hello

Like she was doing a concert, this song picks up the tempo with a breakup song.

At the start I was naïve, babe
Didn’t think you’d drag us down again, and again, and again
You said next time would be different, babe
But anchors can’t learn how to swim

B4) Will You Go With Me?

It takes to the second to last song to hear the title track.  Right I came along on such a personal journey of beautiful song writing.  I love how she structured this song and for a five minute song it flies by without getting stale and stuck in a pattern.   If you need more words of wisdom to live by, Racyne is great follow because she habit of posting short conversation videos.

Daisies and sunshine
Bright stars and clear skies
Ocean tides talking to the moon
And me, I’m nothing without you

Will you go with me?

If all I ever get to be is me, then I’ve made it
If all I ever get to be see is right here, then I’ll take it

Somewhere between big dreams and real things
I want to land my head on your shoulder
Somewhere between strong roots and light wings
I want to soar ‘til I can’t get any older

It’s bound to be a hell of a journey
Will you go with me?

Here's one of the shorts that hit two days before her album release.

B5) Myself Again

Racyne leaves you with the personal struggle of being devoted to creating music in a stripped down mix of her voice guitar and string accent.   Right she's by herself again.  I does make me wonder if the lines about her dad were autobiographical; they really hit home for me.

See my dad, he worked for 27 years
Cried on his way home and that plant didn’t shed a tear
He used to sing about chasin’ a dream
Traded his voice for misplaced loyalty

I really am thankful that I slowed down and listened to each song slowly; and I'm ever so thankful that Racyne decided to put this song onto to this solo video.  I hope you buy her music, find her tours, and follow her journey.  Until we meet again, here she is by herself.

Right there is no one click YouTube video, but Bandcamp will let you listen to the album once at least before they ask you politely to buy it and support the artist.

Next steps:

- Stop over to the Review page to my other most spinned and loved albums.
- Browse the rest of the blogs by stopping at this "Theme Page."
- Enjoy Tune Tuesday which brings you one song from a past blog post.
- See what other post have been most popular recently with our Stats Page.
- Find out who in the world thinks he has the authority to write this blog in the About.
- Let me answer why you won't find the playlists on Spotify here.
- Finally, the Mission page explains why there is no advertising cluttering the page.

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