Dave's Music #10 String me along


As I sit thinking about seeing my favorite string band for the first time in a year, I need to get a string music in my bones.  Yes I'm chilled the bones and may have dressed too much to be on stage.

First, DON'T Poke the Bear by the Buffalo Girls.

Of course a good stringband can add a quick harp to add that train sound, let's take a ride to Willy's Back Porch and have a beer.  The Locksmiths move that's for sure.

It's my house so they have play the House of David Blues, and the Golden Shoals got it down. 

Of course just when you think you got a Louisiana Man by his short straws to play quick in comes Mercury Rev with this great cover.

Let's pause for a Public Service Announcement.. I do love Norah Jane Struthers.. yes we did get to decide, thank God, let's now believe in it.

Banjo's are strings and when they are graced by Charlie Parr, one guy is a band. Hand him down his Peg and Awl.

Tasteful banjo is the texture to Jaybone Bell's "Tale of the Sun" .. so let's dance at moonlight.

If you planned to take the backroads to see the moon, you might want to listen to Chain Station's recommendation.

Of course I do need to remind myself I love, and will love forever.  Ellie Grace brings me back home.  I've known her for a while, she exudes love as well harmonies and a few dance steps.

Of course all of this blog was created because I'm going to Pigtown Fling Stringband on June 8th at the Dash Park.  They are on my mind, why not then play them covering my song that they gave me for my 60th birthday.

These editions will feature music I own and using Bandcamp links are so easy.  Now put your music on Bandcamp and not that Spotify that pays you jack.  Follow me on Bandcamp

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